05 - condition

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Ran was quiet as he looks at the glass in his hand. I couldn't understand him. just a while ago, he was all over me, and now he was asking me to leave. of course I wanted to get out of here, but there was just no way things would suddenly turn in my favor.

"there, I won't be able to shoot you if you run."

I skeptically eye the pistol he carelessly swipes off the table as it lands on the floor. his words were true. if I made a run for it, he wouldn't have much time to pick it up and shoot me. I look up at his eyes again, pretty purples that unfortunately belonged to a man like him.

he was still absently looking at his liquor as he circles his drink. maybe he was entertained with the clinking of ice. I could believe more and more that I was free to leave as he continues to ignore me, but I wanted to drink in the sight of him longer.

he was really a handsome man. it was stupid but I felt slightly disappointed that I won't get to see him again when it literally meant less trouble for me. maybe it was his eyes or his aftertaste. maybe it was his touch or I was just star-struck.

whatever the case though, I still have to get going now and pack my things. once they know Kenji has already dumped me, they'll probably kill me from hate or sell me off for money. both equally mean death to me.

I sigh before looking away from Ran, my eyes darting to the door that had a small rectangular glass on the upper part so I could see outside. my heart almost jumps to my throat once I see the two people that pass by.

they were their lackeys. I'm pretty sure they weren't here in the club a while ago, and since this room was near the entrance, it's likely that they'd just arrived.


Kenji might be holding a grudge against me now because of earlier. I was so enraged that I talked shit about his performance in bed in front of his chicks; men with wounded prides are simply terrible. just how could he call their lackeys over to take care of me this soon?

to think he was so in love with me before that he cried when I didn't tell him I loved him back. sigh, this is really bad. life was just so unfair to me like I betrayed my country or burned down an orphanage in my past life.

Ran was letting me leave now yet another type of danger was waiting for me outside, my only advantage being the fact that they haven't found me yet.

instead of the usual fear, I was basked in bitterness and lack of feeling. everything suddenly seemed trivial. what's so worth living about my life anyway?

it would make much more sense if I just died and prayed for a better life the next time around. I don't care if I'm still poor; I'm capable. I could work hard and achieve anything I want—all I need was the freedom to do it.

even when I'm drowned in these thoughts, at the back of my mind, I was already planning my escape. all I needed was to get home and get the money I purposely set aside for an emergency like this one and then I'll move somewhere far.

they'll obviously hunt me down, and I'll surely end up dead one way or another, but this was only a short-term plan just to avoid death's graces one more time.

Ran's face distracts me as my mind juggled three thoughts: giving up, fighting for my life, or being a slave to my desires.

how could a person look so good as he drinks liquor? it was as if he was shooting a bar commercial. he makes me weak. or maybe I'm just intoxicated.

if I head out now though, I might be able to evade the two people they sent for me. but there's still too much to risk of getting seen. I'll lose in a man-chase.

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