06 - in my sheets

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the dark-haired girl steps out of the bathroom, her hair fully dried with nothing but a bathrobe on. she had the entire bath time to think through the things that had happened, majorly thinking of Ran's condition that she had to sleep beside him every night.

did that mean he plans to keep me for long?

no matter how many times she thought about it, staying here was dangerous. not just because of Ran's unpredictability, but her hormones were her enemies as well. for now, she'll go by what he says so they could stand on common ground.

"wear these."

she jumps at the voice behind her to find Ran with his hair still wet. the fact that they both just got out of a bath stirred trouble in the lower part of her stomach but she ignores it, taking the dark green silk pajama set from Ran's hands.

"these are yours?"

"yes," he smiles. "I'll buy you whatever tomorrow. for now this will have to do."


if I'm still here by tomorrow, she thought funnily.

"let's go to bed, it's been a long day," he mutters, softly touching her back as he towers over from behind her.

she quirks a brow at his casualty, heat flushing her face at the contact of her back against his chest. Ran had the tendency to stand so close to her like it was natural.

"I'll change into these clothes first."

"is saying something perverted allowed?" he shows her a grin.

"please refrain from doing so."

"fine, only for tonight though."

he hums pleasantly as he puts a hand on her shoulder to pull her close, leaning down and tilting his head to the side. he sends an unexpected kiss on her cheek, Hikari immediately pulling away from him as she looks at him in embarrassment.

"my room's that way," he innocently says as he points to the hallway she couldn't see the end of.

"well, I guess it's our room now. head in when you're done changing, okay? don't think about going out because my guards are armed."

"I get it," she huffs.

Ran looks at the frowning girl with an amused smile as she grudgingly passes by him to head back in the bathroom again, purposely bumping into his shoulder. he stares at her back as she goes in until she closes the door behind her.

"what a handful," he chuckles softly, running his fingers through his wet hair as he makes his way to the bedroom.


she was amazed by the size of his bedroom, his king-sized bed the first thing she notices once she enters. his covers were white, his nightstand a varnished dark-wood. to the left of his bed were glass windows stretching from the ceiling to the black-carpeted floors, giving her a view of the balcony.

its entry was a sliding door still made of glass, giving her the sudden urge to go out for fresh air. the white curtains were tied in the sides so she could see the square glass table outside and the two loveseats facing the horizon.

again, she felt slightly envious of Ran. it was such a dream to be rich, and she's always wanted to live comfortably—a life she thought she could attain since she graduated as the valedictorian of her class.

if only my brother didn't die.

no, if only he didn't owe any money to the Red Flower organization in the first place.

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