ruri and yuya's meeting yuto and yugo in the standard dimension

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In the fusion dimension

Yuto is laying on the bed

Yuto sighs and didn't relaize that his bracelet is glowing

Yuto: now i'm stuck in here

Obelisk force: yuto we are going

Yuto: to who

Obelisk red: to the doctor

Obelisk blue: yes with a girl

Yuto: what who is the doctor

Obelisk yellow: you well see

They go out from the tower

With yugos tower

Other obelisk force mamber

Opens the door

Yugo: hä

Obelisk red: you are coming with us we go to the doctor

Yugo: to who

Obelisk blue: you well see

They go out from the tower

And now they are in academia and yugo and yuto saw eachother

Yuto and yugo: you have the the
Same face like me

Yugo: crazy you get kippnapped as well

Yuto: yes

Yugo: what do you think they do us they say something about doctor

Yuto: i don't now but i now that isent something frindly

Yugo: what i'm scared i don't want to now

Yuto: eveything well be alright miss we find a way out of here

Yugo: you don't have to be formly with me i'm yugo

Yuto: you name is fusion

Yugo: no yugo

Yuto: okay sorry i'm yuto

Obelisk red: we are here the doctors laboratory you stay here

The obelisk force goes away

And than the creepy doctor comes

Dr: hey yuto yugo

Yugo: he is creepy

She hides behind yuto

Yuto: what do you want from us

Dr: i just want to meet you both i now the professor has said i should stop that project but he allowed me to use my parasites

Yugo: what a parasite the parasites are disgusting

Yuto: i now what you mean

Dr: everyone said it but now you both have to sleep

He gives them drinks

Yuto: i don't drink that

Yugo: me either

Dr: oh you well drink that

The obelisk force takes them and takes the drinks in there mounth

Yuto: thats disgusting what is that drink

Yugo: bäh disgusting

Dr: good night hahahah

They both fall unconsus

Dr: now my two parasite go in this two braines

The parsites go in yugo and yuto's brain and now they are brainwashed

yugioh arc v girl yuya role SwitchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt