yuzu vs tokumotsu with yugo rin the three protoganist and yuya

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With rin the protoganist yugo and yuya

Yugo: so you tell me that you three have memories you lost and they will return

Jaden: yes thats right

Yugo: okay got it

Yuya comes out from the shower and wears a white t-shirt and blue shorts

Yuya: i'm back from the shower

Rin: hey yuya

Yugo: yuya

Yugo runs to yuya and hugs her

Yuya: yugo

She hugs back

Yuya: i'm sorry that i wear you clothes

Yugo: thats alright yuya you can wear them

Yuya: thanks and here is you key

Yuya gives yugo her key back

Yugo: thank you and you can sleep with me in my room i don't let you sleep on the sofa

Yuya: really?

Yugo: yes you do much for me now it's my turn

Yuya: thank you yugo

Rin: you now the friendship cup is coming

Yuya: yeah

Rin: i applied you four

Yuya yuma yugi and jaden: what!!

Yuya: why

Rin: because yuya you want to let everyone here believe you with the war so you can tell this in the friendship cup

Yuya: yeah great idea but why yuma yugi and jaden

Rin: then  they can help you with it

Yuma: okay fine we will in the friendship cup this is gonna be fun

Jaden: yeah

Back to the facility they all back in the cell and then the guard opends the cell

Guard: you have been called

Everyone follows the guard to tokumutsu's

Guard: our boss chojiro tokumutsu had called you himself

Crow: i now that name

Shinji: me too

Yusei: this name sounds familiar

Shingo: why has he called us anyway

Dennis: clam down shingo you shouldn't fight with them our you get in trouble

Then they are in chojiro's cell

Chojiro and his lackeys: bring all you cards out if you want enjoy you life here

Yuzu: no i refuse

Gongenzaka: i agree with yuzu i don't have cards to give to the boss

Yusei: i agree i won't give my cards

Yuzu: and we have to get out of here and won't be here in our whole life

Tokumatsu: i'm the boss around here and you have to obey me and i make the rules

Yuzu: and you maybe the boss around here but i won't listen to you cards a about  dueling and fun that what yuya tells me and i listen to her she is my best friend no sister and i do anything i can to make her proud

Chojiro: you just a another brat who won't listen to reasons

Yuzu: who do you call brat

Chojiro: let me show you something

yugioh arc v girl yuya role SwitchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt