yuya's duel with mieru

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Yuya yuto and yugo go to you show and yuya is sitting on the floor and is thinking

Ayu: whats wrong with yuya nee-san

Tatsuya: maybe her head hurts with all the quizes

Yugo: yuya is like that after her call with nico

Yuto: i'm worried about her

Yugo: we all are

Futoshi: do you both now what nico told yuya

Yuya and yugo: no

Yuzu: poor yuya nico must really told her something that she is like that

Yugo and yuto: yeah

Yuya: what should i do nico has told me i should surprise him but with what i go outside guys

Yuzu: okay yuya bacareful

Yugo: yuya i come with you

Yuya: okay

Yuto: becarful you two

Yuya: don't worry about us

They both go outside

Yuya: hey yugo do you want to meet my new friend yugi

Yugo: yes i love too

They go to the game shop

Yugo: you friend has a game shop

Yuya: yes

Yuya opends the door

Yuya: hey mr muto is yugi here

Solomon: no sorry he is in school but i tell him that you where here

Yuya: okay come yugo we go to the werehouse

Yugo: why

Yuya: because i can tell you about why i look so down

Yugo: okay

They go to the werehouse

Yugo: yuya whats wrong

Yuya: you now nico has told me to surprise him but i don't now how

Yugo: ohhh thats why

Yuya: yes

And than they saw masumi

Yuya: masumi what are doing here

Masumi: i'm seaching for professor marco yuya please tell me where professor marco is you now that girl please tell me

Yuya: i'm sorry masumi i don't now where marco is

Masumi: stop laying to me

Yuya: i'm not laying

Masumi: if you don't tell me than i duel the crap out of you for LDS

Shun: you are from LDS

Shun runs fast and pushes yuya and yugo and they and there deck are on the floor and they fall on the floor and there cards are now on the floor

Shun: than i be you opponent

Masumi: hä

Ruri: shun stop it

Shun: get out of the way ruri i don't want to hurt you and i do it to safe yuto

Yuya and yugo: yuto

Ruri: yuto is alright shun he is here

Shun: he is

Ruri: yes yuya knows where he is

yugioh arc v girl yuya role SwitchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt