in the synchro dimension rin vs securety

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Rin: after i was in heartland i meet a girl who looks like me i trough that girl was the girl  who kippnappeds yugo but it turns out it wasent her

Yuya: you meet ruri

Rin: yes and than i was in miami city and saw ruri agian  and another girl who looks like me and now i trough that was her but it wasent her either

Yuya: yes you right it wasent yuzu yugo told me it was a girl named serena

Rin: than i have to find that serena girl

Yuya: it isen't easy she must be back at the fusion dimension but maybe you winter bell can teleport us

Rin: no it teleports from alone i can't control it but what about you bracelet

She holds yuya's wrist

Yuya: no i can't control it either it activates if a girl who looks like you and means i stuck her forever and i well never return home and don't see yuto and yuzu ever agian

Yuya starts to cry rin sees yugo in yuya and sees yugo crying rin gives yuya a napkin

Rin: here take this please don't cry you well see you friends agian

Yuya takes the napkin

Yuya: you think so

Rin: yes i hate to see you cry i feel like i see yugo crying and i hate to see yugo cry

Yuya: okay and i hate to see you sad

Than a kid sees rins d-wheel

Kid: look mommy a d-wheel

The mother: don't touch it

She takes her child away

Rin: oh no we have to get out of here

Yuya: why

Rin: we are in the tops area we souldnt be here

The women talks with two man's

Rin jumps on her d-wheel and throw yuya a white helmed and yuya catches the helmed

Rin: come on we have to go

Yuya: is this safe

Rin: yes but come on jump up fast

Yuya: okay

Yuya jumps behind rin

Rin: hold on tight

Yuya: okay

Rin drives away

Yuya: so whats up

Rin: you now yuya this city has tops and commons and tops live the rich and  peopel with alot of money and everything anď the commens dosen't have anything and trying to survive

Yuya: what this is terrible

Rin: i now

Dc 227: drive to the left

Rin: nope

She drives faster

Yuya: ahhhh

Yuya holds rin tighter

D-wheel: duel modus activate autopilot standby

Rin: he force us to duel

Yuya: he did and you want to duel him in that thing

Rin: yes

Dc 227 and rin: duel!!!

Rin: i make my first move  i summon windwitch ice bell than i use my spell card chime of the windwitch i can summon a another windwitch monster now i summon my second ice bell now i use my ice bells effect i can give you 500 points of damege

yugioh arc v girl yuya role SwitchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt