yuzu vs crow

26 1 0

Field spell crossover yuzus duel disk said it  action  cards and platforma

Crow and yuzu: duel!!

Yuzu: okay i make my the first move ladies and gentleman

Amanda: did she mean us

Yusei: yes

Yuzu: i summon opera the melodious diva

Yuzu: i set one card face down and end my turn you turn crow

Crow: my turn i draw if i control no cards i can special summon black feather gust the blackblast sines i control a black feather monster i can special summon black feather oroshi the squall

Tanner: cool crow summons two monsters

Crow:  now i release my oroshi to advence summon assault black feather kunai the drizzle

Crow:  now i release my oroshi to advence summon assault black feather kunai the drizzle

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Crow: if drizzle is advence summon be releasing  it it is treating like a tuner

Yuzu: what

Crow: now i tune my  level 5 drizzle with my level 2 backblast spread your jet-black wings and soar in tandem with the roaring thunder slash apart the lighting synchro summon cascadel
Assault black feather  raikiri the sudden shower

Crow: now i tune my  level 5 drizzle with my level 2 backblast spread your jet-black wings and soar in tandem with the roaring thunder slash apart the lighting synchro summon cascadel Assault black feather  raikiri the sudden shower

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Frank cheers

Yuto: interesting

Yugo; so cool

Yuri: great

Crow: okay raikiri attack her opera

Shinji comes

Shinji: guys security is here we have to run away

Everyone: what!!!

But it is to late the security surrounds them

Yuri: did they follow us

Shingo: we shouldn't go in the city

Yuri: yeah crow we are sorry we don't listen to you

A officer comes and catches crow with a net and a another officer catches yuzu and two other officers catch yuto before the net catches yugo yuri stand infront of yugo and get catch

yugioh arc v girl yuya role SwitchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt