you show vs LDS

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Yuya: thanks yuto i feel better now

Yuto: thats great i like to see you smile

Yuya blushes

Gongenzaka from outside

Gongenzaka: yuzu ambushed she would never do that

Yuzu: gongenzaka

They all go outside

Shuzo: what is wrong

Gogenzaka: hello princepel me the man gongezaka was running for training and than i saw the three suspicous boys here

Friend 1: yes right we saw that and yuzu was attacking shingo

Yuzu: what me

Friend 2: yes if was four no five peopel there we shingo

Shuzo: five who is the five

All 3 friends:  yuya sakaki!!

They all look at yuya yuya goes one step back

Yuzu: yuya is that true did you saw me attacking shingo

Yuya: i saw that but boys

She said that to shingos friends

Yuya: it wasent yuzu after you four get out from the werehouse i was talking with the girl and she trough i was yugo

Yugo: me yuya

She goes to yuya and touches her shoulder and shakes her

Yugo: tell me was it a girl named rin

Yuya: i don't now who rin is that was a girl named ruri

Yuto: ruri

Yugo: ruri yuto isent that you friend how did she now me

Yuto: i don't now

Friend 1: wait yuya has siblings

Friend 3: i don't now yuya has a brother and a sister and her sister looks cute

Yugo: don't even think about flirting with me

Shuzo: can somone tell me whats going on

Friend 3: we told you yuzu was attacking shingo

Yuya: but i said

Yugo: thats it

Yugo has flames around her

Yugo: yuya said it wasent yuzu and you three punks still think that is yuzu you have two seconds to run

Shingos friends run away scared

Friend 1: i never now yuyas sister is beautiful and scared

They now gone

Ayu: yugo-nee-san is scary if she is mad

Tatsuya: yeah

Himeka comes from the limosine

Himeka: maybe i now what happend but we talk in

They all go in

Himeka: it one of our students shingo gets attack be a girl 3 peopel said it was yuzu

Shuzo: so was it you yuzu or was it you not

Yuzu: it wasent me dad

Yuya: i told you it wasent yuzu why can no one believes me

Yugo: i believe you yuya i don't now yuzu well but she remainds me of rin and i now rin would never do that and i don't think yuzu would ever do that

yugioh arc v girl yuya role SwitchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt