yugo and rin's talking back to the facility with yuzu and the others

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Rin and yugo stop the hug

Rin: so what happend to you

Yugo: i explain if we are in

Rin: okay

They go in and yugo saw yugi yuma and jaden sitting there

Yugo: hello

The three protoganist: hello yugo

Rin: you now eachother

Yugo: yeah we come together here in the synchro dimension and now i explaine everything what happend to me

Yugo explaines everything

Rin: ah okay i'm happy to see you agian and have thank yuya what she did

Yugo: yeah where is yuya anyway

Rin: taking a shower

Yugo: ah

Rin: and i'm happy for you yugo that you have a boyfriend but still sad that he is in the facility with yuto yuya will be not happy about this

Yugo: i now but i will safe yuri that is my promise

Rin: i now you will

Back to the facility with yuzu and the others

Yuzu: that is the facility

Yusei: yes it is

Crow: yeah 100% of the commons get here without even do anything

Shingo: really

Yuzu: that is terrible they really hate commons do they

Shinji: yeah they do hate us

Guard: you will follow me

They follow the guard and the guard pushes them in the cage and closed the cage

Crow: so what are we gonna do now

They all look around the Cage and saw two commons one in green and one in red

The red common: we have new ones don't you greeting us

Yuzu: nice to meet you

The green common: thats what you call a greeting

Yuzu said annoyed

Yuzu: nice to meet you sir and if you say one word about greeting i hit you you now what i do it now

Yuzu hits the green common with her fan

green common: au yes

Shingo: never piss off yuzu

Red common: not like that you shoud go to you knees and say nice to meet you sir

Yuzu: what did i say about greeting

She has her fan out of nowhere and has a dark aura

Red common: we shut up

Yuzu: good

Shingo: you guys get to far as you said that

Red common: hey we don't like you tone

Gongenzaka: knock it of stop to be  unseemly

Yuzu: gongenzaka??

Gongenzaka: yuzu

He goes to yuzu and gives her a big hug

Gongenzaka: i trough i will never see you agian and i'm happy to meet you here

Crow: who is that big guy

yugioh arc v girl yuya role SwitchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt