gongenzaka and yaiba's duel reji vs yuya back to yuri and yuya vs yugo

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Yuto: yeah yugo giggle you did it an purpose

Yugo: maybe

Yuya: don't be mad at yugo yuto

Yuto: fine but i do the same to her

Yugo: ha i love to see you try yuto

Yuya: ähm please stop fighting

Yaiba: i don't want to disturb you sibling fight but i wait for my opponent

Gongenzaka: okay sora you are the last hope for you show so do you best i wish me the man gongenzaka can help his friends

Sora: no i don't like that you can do my place gongenzaka

Gongenzaka: really thanks sora i do my best

Yuya: i now you well gongenzaka

Yuzu: yes

Gongenzaka: thanks

Yaiba and gongenzaka go to the dueling field

The duel is the same like in the anime

After the duel it ends in a draw

Yuya: the duel ends in a draw

Yugo: that is surprising

Yuya goes to gongenzaka and helps him up

Gongenzaka: i'm sorry that the man gongenzaka has failed

Yuya: thats alright gongenzaka it was a draw better than a lost

Yuto: yes

Shuzo: so we have won now please leave our school

Himeka: i can't accept it we let the winner of our duels well duel

Yuya has her goggles on her face

Yugo: awww yuya don't be sad i now that but don't worry about it smile like you always do

She whispers in yuya's ear

Yugo: and you now yuya yuto loves you smile and maybe he will be happy and i now you have a crush on him thats why i push you that you have you first kiss with you crush

She giggles

Yuya blushes

Yuya: yugo stop teasing me

Yugo: but it is fun

Yuya: i do the same to you

Yugo: yes sure if i have ever have a crush on somone

Yuya: you will have a crush and you are right i have a crush on yuto but we just meet

Yugo: yes but love at the first sight

Yuya: yeah and thanks for cheering me up for just teasing me

Yugo: we are besties now after that we go shopping

Yuya: yes

He puts her goggles back to her head

Yuya: hey yuzu after the fight with our school is over do you want to go shooping

Yuzu: yes yes

Yugo: and yuto you come with us

Yuto: wait what me go shooping with girls that means i have to take all the bags

Yugo: yes

Yuya:i take shingo with me

Yuzu: yes that is a great idea to take shingo with and takes all my bags

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