yuya is a shy girl who just want to entertain everyone and make everyone smile as the the dimension split there was a problem that yuya is born as a girl and the professor is after yuya and yugo's male xyz and fusion counterpart
Ruri: sora was send back to his dimension because he said much
Yuzu: dimension what do you mean
Ruri: i don't really now much but here isent the only dimension you now at exsist three other dimension the fusion and xyz dimension the fusion dinension has distroyed our home and turn everybody in cards and have smile on there face
Yuzu: why did they do such thing
Ruri: i don't now why but it has something to do with a arc aria project that so shall we continue or duel
Yuzu: no
She takes off her deck from her duel disk and ruri does the same
Yuzu: what is the arc aria project
Ruri: i don't now
Yuzu: but i now dueling should make peopel happy and entertain everyone
Ruri: i now i feel the same that dueling should make peopel happy but academia don't
Yuzu: what is academia
Yuto: academia is a school where kids get trained as soldiers
Yuzu: ah okay that is the worst
And than a light appears
Yuto: what is that light
Yuma: i don't now
Rin what is that thing doing here
She takes off her helmed
Yuzu:what another girl who looks like me
Ruri: rin
Rin: hä ruri
Yuzu: you now eachother
Ruri: yes we have meet
Rin: you
She said to yuzu
Rin: yes tell me where yugo is
Yuzu: yugo i don't now where she is
Rin: stop laying to me you have kippnapped her and you voice sounds like her
Yuzu: what
Ruri: rin wait
But she don't listen
Rin:, if you don't tell me i will duel the crap out of you
Yuzu: what but i really don't now where she is she was with yuya together
Rin: we talk after the duel
She activate her duel disk from her d-wheel
Yuzu: okay fine we duel
She activate her duel disk
Rin: i make the first move first i summon windwitch ice bell
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