yuya duel with eita yuto and yugos second duel

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In the next morning the three yuu's starts to wake up

Yuya: good morning

Yugo and yuto: good morning

Yuya: ready for our second duel

Yuto and yugo: yes

Yuya: we go change can you go out from the room yuto

Yuto: yes sure

He goes out of the room

Yuya: what are you wearing yugo

Yugo: i'm gonna wear a blue dress what about you

Yuya: i'm gonna wear a pink dress

They go to the closet and change in there blue and pink dress

Yuya: how did i look

Yugo: like a cute school girl

Yuya: awww thank you yugo

Yugo: how do i look

Yuya: like s princess

Yugo: awww yuya thank you

Yuya: yuto you can come in now

Yuto: okay girls

He comes in the room and blushes as he saw the girls in dresses and he blushes more that yuya looks so cute in a dress

Yuto: you both look beautiful and yuya you look cute

Yuya: hä thank you yuto

She blushes

Yugo giggles

Yugo: yuto go change i'm with yuya downstairs

Yugo takes yuya's hand and they go out of the room

Yuto: okay

Yuto goes change

Yuya: good morning mom

Yugo: good morning yoko

Yoko: morning girls where is yuto

Yuya: he is changing

Yoko: okay and you both look so cute

Yuya and yugo: thanks mom/yoko

Yoko: you welcome

Yuto comes downstairs

Yuto wears a purpel t-shirt and black pants and black shoes and a green jacket

Yuya blushes how he looks

Yuya: you look handsome

Yuto: hä thanks

He blushes

Yoko: now it's time for breakfast

Yuya yugo yuto: okay

They sitting on the table and start eating after breakfast they go to you show and yuya has still time before her duel so she is watching quizes because her next duel well be about quizes after the watch they go to the school where yuya's next duel well be now they are in the school and than they meet eita and he ask yuya

Eita: what means hello im france

Yuya: äh i don't now

Eita: bonjour

After with there talk they go in the dueling field and start dueling the the duel is the same like the anime and yuya won

Yuya: yay i won

yugioh arc v girl yuya role SwitchWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt