"The Road Of No Return"

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M/N sighed as he carefully carried his luggage over each step of the stairs,he walked to the living room and saw his parents spending the last time they would be together wisely.His mother spotted him quick and headed to him,she kissed his forehead before she gave him a smile "Eomma will really miss you,she'll miss your old happy smile and bubbly giggle".M/N pouted despite being a pre-teen "But I don't wanna leave you guys..I don't wanna go",his father chuckled before he went next to him and pat his head "Neither do we,but this is the only way your mom and I can have a divorce while keeping you away from the pressure of choosing which one of us to live with the rest of your life.Trust us on this,the people who we gave you to will be no different than us.They're gonna be loving,patient,accepting,and everything,it'll be like just us there even if its different people you're gonna be with".He nodded sadly as he knew he had to accept the new life he was gonna have,his parents hugged him for the last time before hearing a car horn from outside the house.M/N managed to smile at them as he fixed the straps of his backpack "That must be the car that's gonna pick me up,I'm gonna go now.",his mother and father nodded before seeing M/N walk to the door,open it,and head to the black hearse by the driveway.The boy turned back one more time and waved happily at them,his parents waved back and blew him flying kisses before he went in and the car headed off.

Whilst he was in the car,he was playing with a Rubiks cube to pass the time.He looked at the driver and turned back to his toy when the pale but good-looking man driving the car gave him a smile,the driver laughed "What's with the shyness,little boy?Are you scared that the place you're going to is gonna make you regret your choice of leaving your parents?".The boy nodded as his face was painted with uneasy anxiousness,the man chuckled before playing some music on the radio "Hey,cheer up now.Trust me,the place we're heading to is gonna be great.I won't tell anything about it yet since it'll ruin the surprise but it is just as modern as the city you used to stay in,I promise you".He handed M/N a grape-flavored lollipop "Here,have this.It should calm your nerves down a good amount,nervousness can give you stress which is bad for kids like your age",M/N took it respectfully and ate it since it was already unwrapped.

Once he put it in his mouth,he felt like he was falling asleep.It didn't take long for the chemical effect on the candy to take effect,the driver turned to the seat next to him and nodded to the air "It worked,sir".Doyoung who was a ghost appeared on the seat as a happy grin was on his face "Its good that the Taeil-hyung made it light,it was perfect for him",Yuta who was a vampire went out of his invisible state and nodded as a smirk was on his face "Sure thing,that's our hyung after all".He laid M/N down and got a pillow from the back of the car before placing it under M/N's head,he got a jacket from M/N's luggage and placed it on his body to serve as his blanket.Chenle who was still in his ghost form sweetly nuzzled M/N's nose as he kneeled next to the seat thanks to the perfectly small but narrow space "I'm excited to meet him back at the mansion,I wanna show him our family isn't as scary as he thinks.",Yuta shrugged his shoulders as he admired M/N's Rubiks cube "He might be scared if we reveal that we're half human and half monsters,that's gonna be a big problem".Doyoung shook his head as he looked outside the window "I'm sure we can make him know our true identities if we take it slow,like the way we hired our maids",Yuta rolled his eyes "There he goes again,I don't have that much patience for your information".Chenle,Doyoung,and the driver softly snickered at the remark,they were careful to not wake up M/N as they knew he would be startled to see strangers in the car when he expected only for his driver to be the person he'll be with during the whole car ride.


It didn't take long for them to arrive to the only passageway to their destination,the three expect the driver headed back to the city quickly as M/N slowly woke up.The boy was confused when he saw that he was laying down and his jacket was on his body but the driver didn't waste no time to cover up that the three did it by saying he was the one who did all of it,M/N understood quickly and got out the car.He had his bag over his back as he pulled out his luggage from the back of the car,he raised his eyebrow "Why did we stop at an abandoned tunnel?".The driver chuckled "This is where all cars stop,everyone walks from here on.But don't worry,I brought flashlights so you do not need to be scared.I am also here if you ever need someone to hide behind whenever you get scared by something,my masters told me to be of possible assistance to you in whatever situation applicable".M/N was curious about what he meant by 'masters' but he didn't pay no attention to it when he saw the man shut off the engine and take the car key before getting out the door and locking the vehicle,he walked next to him as they entered the save and used their flashlights to find their way through the darkness.M/N turned around when he heard a soft indescribable noise but continued on walking,he didn't notice the car disappear into thin air and the vines that covered the entrance of the tunnel coiled together.The driver checked if everything was in place before he saw the entrance,he pointed at the nearby light at the near end of the tunnel before they fastened their pace.M/N who was a bit scared managed to keep up with the man as fear ran through his body,he thought as he was nearing the end of the tunnel : "I can't go back to where I came from,I've reached the end of the road of no return..."

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