"Entering The Unknown"

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Once M/N went through the thick overgrown vines,he was shocked to see a whole bustling city appear before him.He went to look for his driver but he was already gone,he was gonna ask for someone to help but he heard someone whisper his name in his ear.He looked around him but saw no one,he looked behind him and was shocked when he saw a tall person wearing pretty simple but stylish things behind him.Sungchan waved at him before he stooped down a bit "You must be M/N,I'm Sungchan.Before you ask,I'm one of the family members of the family that adopted you.My and your soon-to-be brothers notified your parents already that you've arrived,so they sent me to accompany you around this big city",M/N was shocked that he knew what he was gonna ask before he introduced himself for the sake of formality.He walked by Sungchan's side and admired everything around him,the older chuckled "Seems like you're starting to like this place,I'm glad to know that".The younger shyly nodded before he felt Sungchan hold his hand,the other gave him a smile as he interlaced their fingers together "Hold my hand,I don't wanna lose you".M/N who knew he had no chance of saying no let him do as he wanted and didn't let go of Sungchan's hand,he was captivated by the people that waved at him as if they already knew about him coming.He waved back since he didn't want to be rude which brought out his bubbly nature out instantly,he skipped happily and Sungchan found it the cutest thing.

After a long while of walking,they stopped at a luxurious building.Sungchan pointed at it before speaking "That's the city hall,the hyungs told us to wait for them there.They might take a while so you go ahead and take a seat on a nearby bench at the garden,I'll go buy us some snacks to eat while we wait",M/N nodded before he sat on a marble bench that was near a patch of flowers.He hugged his bag as he looked around,he fiddled with his fingers and looked down to lay low just incase danger was near.After a few minutes,he looked back up and saw Sungchan walking to him with a mix of food in his arms.Sungchan sat next to him and placed all the food down on the bench "I didn't know what you wanted since I forgot to ask,so I just bought things you might like",M/N felt embarrassed at the sight before getting the corndog.He started eating it little by little which made Sungchan laugh,the other got the tteokbokki as he looked at what was happening around him.He set his eyes on M/N and couldn't help but grin when he saw how he ate his corndog,he leaned close and wiped the dough residue on his cheek which made M/N turn to him and stare at him with an innocent but confused stare.Sungchan shook his head "Just removing something on your face,don't worry",M/N shrugged and went back to eating.Sungchan fixed his hair as a smile was on his face,he knew what he was doing to help M/N get used to the new environment was working and that alone made his heart race.

After a few minutes passed,M/N was reading his book as he laid his head on Sungchan's lap.He looked up when he felt the other entangle his hand into his hair "Hm?",Sungchan smiled "Your hair looked so fluffy,I wanted to play with it".M/N put his book over his face "Go on,just don't kiss my forehead",Sungchan nodded before proceeding to play with M/N's hair.He was about to kiss his forehead before he heard many people call his name,M/N sat upright the moment he heard them and saw many well-dressed men of all ages were walking to them.Sungchan pat his shoulder "Those are the hyungs I was talking about,don't be afraid because they aren't scary at all",M/N looked at him again as if he suspected him of reading his mind but went off the bench to greet the collection of boys.Taeyong kneeled down and caressed his cheek "You're as cute as your parents told us,we're lucky to have you",M/N nodded shyly before he noticed his cheeks had something red on it "What's on your face?".Taeyong instantly went to use his phone as a mirror so he could see what was on his face before he wiped it with his saliva,he pat M/N's head as he grinned "It's just ketchup from my lunch a while ago,thanks for telling me".Taeil held his heart as he was scared that M/N would think it was blood,Taeyong got the boy's luggage and held his hand "Wanna go head to our house now?".M/N hesitated for a minute or two before saying yes,Sungchan stood up and stayed by his side the moment he saw Taeyong give him a nod.Everyone had a smile on their face when they saw the way M/N look around as they walked to the car,Taeil ruffled his hair and knew he was gonna have to do things lighter if he were to follow their steps.


After they got into the long black hearse and got in,it only took them thirty minutes to arrive the luxurious mansion.M/N walked out before astounded shock was all over his face,Doyoung pat his shoulder "Even if that's just the outside,the inside is much better than you think".Taeyong who had M/N's luggage went next to him and held his hand "Let's go?",M/N nodded but he let go and ran ahead with his excitement reaching its limit.The boys chased after him but Taeil and Kun were the first people to catch up with him,Kun got his hand so he could keep M/N from straying away.Once they got to the door,Taeil turned the doorknob before it opened to reveal the interior.M/N took off his shoes and felt awkward when he saw he had no slipper to wear but Haechan was quick to save him,he handed him a pair of crocs that fit him and sweetly patted his head whilst he watched the boy put them on "If you need anything,just tell any of us and we'll give it to you".M/N gave him a cute nod before he went to check around the first floor,he was so curious about everything and everyone couldn't help but melt at his cuteness.Jaehyun went to him and held his hand "How about we go check your room out and get you changed?You must be uncomfortable in that sweater",M/N nodded and went up the stairs with him.Taeyong gave Doyoung a stare and the other knew what he meant,he went to the kitchen with the boys that knew how to cook so they could cook dinner as the others went to the living room and relaxed.

After a few minutes,M/N came back down in a white shirt and gray leggings.Jaehyun followed behind him as a small grin was on his face,M/N walked to the living room and sat on the rug.Jaehyun sat down next to Jaemin before he saw that M/N was on the floor "M/N-ah,why are you there?",M/N looked at him innocently as he spoke "There's no space,hyung".Yangyang laughed "You can sit on one of our laps,its not like we'll mind",M/N was about to hesitate but he couldn't refuse when Yangyang pat his lap.He stood up and looked around him "Hm....found it!",he went to Jeno and sat on his lap "Hmph!".Renjun laughed when he saw Yangyang's expression whilst M/N was being ticked by Jeno,the older nuzzled the younger's neck before kissing his cheek "Little cutie,why are you so cute?".M/N shook his head as he answered "Me don't know",Jeno took his hand and nuzzled it as he happily thought : "He's too cute for this world,I'm gonna protect him from everything~"

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