"Small Half-Werewolf Bites"

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It was around 3 in the afternoon and they were at the restaurant already,they were eating with M/N's former parents and they've never felt happier when they saw how sweet they were to M/N.His father laughed "So I heard all about your bloodline from M/N,so is everyone like the same half-monster or is it different?",M/N pouted "Come on,dad!I already told you that you shouldn't ask something like that,you're making them feel pressured".Taeil laughed as he ruffled M/N's hair "Don't worry,its not like that at all",he cleared his throat before he explained everything and was glad that they got into a VIP room thanks to M/N's father being a popular educator celebrity around Seoul.His mother nodded as she understood everything fast "So only the half ghosts and half vampires are in the same monster bloodline with your parents,but the werewolves and demons are just inclined in blood if family blood is considered",M/N pursed his lips "And I'm barely inclined in any of those,hmph!".Jeno couldn't help but smile at how cute his remark was "No,you are.The werewolf blood Taeil-hyung transfused into your human blood had some of our blood,its from us so you're family",Jisung nodded "The werewolf blood has a half of human blood in it,you basically got twenty-percent of our blood in you already".M/N's eyes filled with stars at the remark before he saw the door open,their food came and M/N was already drooling as he saw how delicious they looked.He was about to dig in as his plate was in front of him but his father wasted no time to slice his steak,he pouted shyly which made the other boys laugh at his cuteness.

After his father finished slicing everything,M/N started eating.He ate happily as he eyed his ten-piece pizza,he resisted the temptation of grabbing a slice since he didn't want anyone to tell him off.He made sure to finish his main course before he went to eat his other food,he chowed down on his pasta like a beast which got everyone's attention.Lucas stood up and easily chopped the noodles that was about to enter M/N's mouth,he gave the boy a stare and smiled when he saw him swallow the food in his mouth.He wiped M/N's lips with his thumb before easily cleaning up his finger on M/N's napkin "Don't eat so fast,you might choke",M/N nodded and watched as Lucas went back to his seat.He continued to eat but he was cautious,he took things slow as he could tell all of his older brothers were keeping a keen eye on him.He would check if they were watching him from time-to-time and he had suspicions for people who would suddenly look away from him,he went to eat his pizza and he knew he was only a few seconds before every movement of his mouth was monitored by the boys.Kun was focused as his eyes were slightly squinted,his concentration was unbreakable and eating fast in front of him was a full-on death wish.Despite the slight cautiousness becoming a pressuring anxiousness,he finished all his food without making a single mess on his face nor his plate.He went out of the room to wash his hands and the boys had their guards ultimately lowered,however,they felt something was off and the scared atmosphere in their minds when they looked at M/N's clean plate proved their assumptions.

When they felt the temptation of finding M/N became irresistible,Jeno went out with Renjun and Jisung to find M/N.They went outside the door and saw that M/N was sitting on one of the steps,Jeno went to him and hugged him without saying a single word.M/N hid his face in Jeno's neck before he spoke softly "Is everyone done eating,hyung?",Jeno nodded "Your parents are paying for us,they told us it's their way of thanking us for taking such good care of you".M/N pursed his lips before he went silent again,Jisung and Renjun stayed by M/N's side as they didn't know what was going on in his mind but they wanted him to know they were by his side.It wasn't long before the four walked back in and headed to the room,they went in and saw that everyone was getting ready to leave.M/N went to say goodbye to his parents as he avoided Taeil's gaze,the other bit his lip in fear before he saw M/N walk out with his parents so he could see them off.He gave the others a nod and a slightly worried stare before they left the room and headed for the the exit,they walked to the hearse and watched M/N wave as his parent's car drove away.M/N went to the car and simply went in,they got in and their driver started heading for the place where you could walk by the Han River.

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