"A Complete Half-Monster Family"

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It was around sunset and M/N's whole pointer finger was all bandaged up despite his paper cut being on the tip of his finger,he sighed sadly as he looked at his hand "Bummer...Such a bummer".Doyoung looked him "What's making you so sad?",M/N showed his bandage-covered finger "This is making me sad,this is my dominant finger whenever I read something or play the piano and now,its hurt".Taeyong smiled as he walked to him and pat his shoulder "Hey now,that's fine.That means you can spend more time with us,won't be quality time with your family be good?",M/N shook his head "I prefer being alone sometimes,I'm sorry to admit it".Taeyong caressed his cheek "Hey now,don't be like that.How about...we eat outside for dinner?We could go eat at the high-end restaurant the boys and I have been dying to go to,I'm sure you'll also like it there",M/N was about to decline the offer but he saw Taeyong's stare turn sweet "F-f-fine,hyung..if you insist".Taeyong happily laughed before he kissed M/N's cheek,he wanted M/N to be happy and he would do anything for that to happen.

When the others heard about what Taeyong told to M/N,they went crazy before they went to find clothes that they would wear.M/N realized he didn't have clothes that fit him yet before Taeyong pat his back,the other smiled "You can borrow from us,don't worry.You can borrow clothes us anytime,just as long as you ask".M/N nodded before he ran up the stairs and went to Chenle,he walked in when he heard Chenle call his name.He was shocked when he saw a whole rack of outfits ready for him,M/N looked around for a sign of his older brother and saw Chenle appear with a whole cart of shoes and accessories he could wear.Chenle smiled before he walked next to him and pat his shoulder "I made sure you had a variety of choices to choose from,I'll fix your hair as well so you can look as fancy as you can be",M/N gave him a nod before he went to choose what he wanted.He was wise in his choices and he could tell Chenle was proud of him,he just couldn't notice how sweet was Chenle's gaze at him.

He's wearing this(except the bracelets)

It didn't take long for him to be ready to head out,Chenle who quickly got into his clothes after looked him up and down with an impressed smirk on his face "Wow,I didn't know you had that much expertise in fashion"

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It didn't take long for him to be ready to head out,Chenle who quickly got into his clothes after looked him up and down with an impressed smirk on his face "Wow,I didn't know you had that much expertise in fashion".M/N was about to answer before Jisung walked in,he looked at him and waved at him as if he had been there the whole time.Jisung looked enchanted as he looked at M/N "Who are you and where did you take our little brother?That isn't our little brother at all!",Chenle laughed "Stop joking around and compliment his look,I just did his hair so I barely contributed".M/N gave him puppy eyes and he knew he couldn't dare say that again,he pat M/N's shoulder "All right,I did contribute some to your outfit for tonight".M/N nodded before he saw Jisung open the door,he rolled his eyes in a way he meant no ill feelings before he walked out with the two following from behind.The three walked down the stairs and all the attention was instantly directed at M/N,Taeil's jaw dropped as Jeno basically drooled over how charming he looked.Ten quickly took his phone out and took a picture "And that's going to the outfit inspiration album~",M/N who managed to ignore the countless eyes on him instantly headed straight to the mirror so he could fix any crumpled parts of his top.Jaemin nudged Chenle's shoulder "Did you dress him up like that or did you do the hair only?I won't believe you if you're gonna say he did all that himself,well except the hair",Chenle gave him a smirk "I only did his hair,he did the other things all by himself".Jaemin was in disbelief before he saw M/N walk to them,the boy gave them an innocent grin as he looked at them "So...are we gonna head to the fancy-shmancy restaurant you guys wanted to go to?".Taeil chuckled "Of course,we're going.The way you look just delayed our thoughts of coming early for a bit,which is something completely inevitable",M/N turned to the door and headed to it as he spoke "Whatever you say,hyung~".

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