"November Personified"

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It didn't take a while for the boys who were at the kitchen to finish cooking,M/N was stubborn to go off Jeno's lap when they were called so he got flustered when Jeno turned him around and easily carried him.He had a pout on his face when he was sat down,Jisung laughed before a thought hit him "Oh,right.We haven't told him who we are yet,he only knows Sungchan!".Taeil felt dumbfounded when he remembered that the others and himself haven't introduced themselves,they started saying their names one by one and M/N somehow managed to keep up whilst remembering which name aligned to each face.Taeyong gave him a smile "If you got confused,we can do that all over again until you remember which one of us is which",M/N shook his head "Its okay,Taeyong-hyung".Sungchan was astounded at the remark "Already memorized all our names?",M/N nodded "I'm pretty smart and I have the intelligence of an eighteen-year-old,that's why I can easily solve a Rubiks cube no matter its messed up".Jungwoo didn't believe him at first and laughed as if he said a joke but he went silent when M/N stared at him innocently,Lucas muffled his loud laugh as Doyoung scolded him.Aside from the chaos,Jaemin was already giving M/N his food.The younger looked at him with puppy eyes "Why isn't nana-hyung eating?",the older smiled as he ruffled his hair "Hyung isn't hungry right now so you eat first,you have to get ready for bed and do everything else early because your hyungs and I have somewhere to go".M/N had a small sad smile on his face but it went away when Jisung did a cute expression once they caught each other's eyes,Jaemin filled M/N's cup with water and felt happy when he saw the boy start eating.

It didn't take long for M/N to finish his food,however,he was still bothered by the fact his new older brothers didn't eat anything at all.Yuta looked at him when he saw how slightly distressed M/N looked "You okay,buddy?Is anything bothering you?",M/N shook his head and went off to get ready for bed so that he could keep his worries to himself.Taeyong watched him walk up the stairs as sadness was in his eyes "He's getting worried about us,we didn't even eat a single bite and it's bothering him.I don't really know if I can handle lying to him about our true identities,it's hurting me",Taeil pat his shoulder "Just hold on and give him a day or two,he might find out what we really are by himself.I'm not sure about my hunch of him leaving the house because he's worried about us once we leave but at least get an explanation ready if he sees us in our other form".The others nodded in unison before they got ready to leave,not knowing that Taeil's hunch was entirely right.

After a few minutes,M/N was in his bed pretending to be asleep by facing the wall.Haechan walked in to make sure that he was asleep and safe,he smiled when he saw the boy all warmed up in his blanket.He silently closed the door and went down the stairs,he didn't notice nor hear the soft breaths from M/N when he closed the door.Once the boy heard the front door of the house close,he went out his room with a black jacket and accessories to hide his face.He put his shoes on once he got everything on him,he fixed his mask and hat before he went out the door and went ahead to the streets.He wandered around the night as he slightly shivered from the cold night air and felt stupid wearing leggings at that time,he was about to go the other way until he heard a familiar voice.He went to a nearby alley and saw all the boys feasting on something,he could hear Chenle's happy laugh and Jisung's deep chuckle.He was about to retreat but he accidentally stepped on a stick,Yuta turned around as his mouth was littered with blood "Who's there?".Surprisingly,M/N answered in a shaky voice "Yes,Yuta-hyung?".Taeyong's eyes widened before he saw a small figure go under the lamp hanging by the wall,M/N looked at them as his mask was in his hands which were shaking.Taeil walked to him and caressed his cheek "What are you doing here at this time?Why aren't you sleeping?",Jaemin wiped the blood on his mouth as he sighed "I knew that he was genuinely worried about us, I didn't think that Taeil-hyung would be right with his fifty-fifty probability hunch".M/N started to sob as he looked down "I'm so s-s-sorry for being so nosy,I just got so worried about you guys and..and..",only tears dripped from his cheeks and sobs left his mouth when he couldn't form any words from his unnecessary guilt.Taeil wiped his tears as he gave him a smile "Hey hey,no need to cry and feel sorry.Its fine,a kid's curiosity like yours isn't gonna make you a obstacle for us to hide our identities.Everyone knows about the other half of ours,being half human and half monster isn't that hard to keep secret",Taeyong nodded as he teasingly got a piece of raw meat from the deer they got from outside the city "Wanna have a taste?I threw it down a cliff and killed it myself".Doyoung shot him a glare before he shut up,Taeil calmed M/N down by kissing his forehead before he pat his head "Since you already caught us red-handed,I might as well explain why we're like this".He sat M/N down on a clean wooden box that he dragged nearby the dumpster before he started explaining,the boy listened well as he heard Taeil explain which family member was a werewolf,ghost,vampire,and demon.

After a long while of explaining,M/N was falling drowsy as the boys stood up and properly disposed of the remains of the deer they caught.Jeno easily carried M/N and pat his head "Lay your head on my shoulder and close your eyes,hyung won't wake you up from your sleep",M/N nodded slightly before he knocked out.He softly snored as his hat and hoodie covered the half of his face,Sungchan who was the tallest of the bunch went behind Jeno and couldn't help but grin at how peaceful M/N looked.They walked back to the mansion while blending in the shadows to not attract the other peoples' attention,the cold night air made M/N grumble in his sleep before they fastened their pace.Jeno used his vampire speed and sped up before the others caught up,they took just a few minutes to arrive at the mansion thanks to their inhuman speed they had as an ability from being half monsters.Jeno walked in the house and put on his slippers before he gave Taeil a nod,the other did the same and watched Jeno bring M/N up to his room.Shotaro swiftly followed when he got his slippers on,he walked in and saw that Jeno was already tucking M/N in.He silently closed the door and turned on the lights,he walked to the other's side and admired the boy "He got so worried about us,hyung.Look at how bruised his fingers are from hurriedly putting on his shoes".Jeno checked the child's hand and sighed when he saw the bruises and slight swelling "You know what to do,Shotaro",the younger nodded before he kissed it after leaving a small wound on each finger and felt relieved when they were all healed.The older took M/N's hat off and placed it on the bedside table,he gave Shotaro a nod and they quietly left the room before getting ready for bed.


It was around 4 in the morning and M/N awoke at his phone's alarm,he rubbed his eyes before he saw he was already in his room "The hyungs must have brought me home last night,least I got some sleep".He put his slippers on and left the room,he used his phone's flashlight to light up the way since the hall was dark.He went down to the living room before he heard a soft flapping of wings "I know that's you,Jaemin-hyung.I remembered how Taeil-hyung every vampire hyung had a different sound of wing flapping",he laughed when he heard a short thud on the floor.Jaemin went in front of him and kissed his forehead "Why are you awake so early?",M/N shrugged his shoulders "I don't know,I just felt that something special was gonna happen today".The other nodded before he saw the other boys come down the stairs,M/N turned around and waved at them.Even though they were a bit grumpy from waking up,they still managed to give him a smile.M/N instantly went to hug Mark and grinned when he felt him playfully bite his shoulder,he thought as Mark carried him to the couch whilst lightly shaking him up and down "They're not as bad as I thought...I like them..."

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