"A Human With A Brain Of A Werewolf Pup"

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It was around 6 in the morning and M/N was already fixed up for school,he was at the living room patiently waiting for Kun to come down so he could drive him to school.He scratched the back of his backpack to keep himself entertained before he heard steps on the stairs,he looked up and saw Kun dressed up in decent clothes.He stood up and put his backpack over his shoulders,it felt weird since it was empty but he had to be patient since his school supplies were already at school.He went to Kun and gave him a smile,the other laughed before Ten walked to him with M/N's lunch.Ten gave the boy the lunch bag before he kissed his forehead "Have a great day at school,alright?",M/N nodded and went out the door with Kun.As he was getting in the car with Kun,the other boys groggily walked down the stairs since they just woke up from their sleep.Taeyong looked around "Where's M/N and Kun?Are they still asleep?",Ten shook his head "He already left with Kun-hyung so he could go to school,Taeyong-hyung".Jisung looked a tad bit upset as he pursed his lips "We missed him,we couldn't even give him forehead kisses",Jeno pat his shoulder "Don't worry,we'll be here when he comes back from school.That is better than seeing him off to school,trust me".Jisung nodded before they went to the kitchen to eat breakfast,on the other hand,M/N was already getting excited when they were still far from his school.

Kun chuckled as he turned to the seat next to him since M/N was there "Are you that excited?",M/N nodded as an adorable smile was curved on his face.He pat his head as he spoke lovingly "Since this is your first day of class,take things easy and don't get worked up over things.Just be chill and take it one step at a time,got that?",M/N happily answered as he nuzzled Kun's palm "Understood,hyung~".Kun smiled before he focused on the road,M/N looked out the window as he hummed a happy tune to himself.He looked at the mirror and fixed his hair since some strands were sticking up,he let out a soft 'hmph!' when he was satisfied at how his hair looked.He looked at Kun and laid his head on his shoulder,Kun pat his arm as he easily drove with just one hand on the wheel.He started singing to him to get his energy up before he heard M/N try to vocalize with him,the two sung together on the way to school and no one could describe how happy Kun felt at that very moment.It didn't take long before they arrived to the school,M/N unbuckled his belt and fixed his uniform.Kun fixed his nametag and pat his shoulder "Good luck,M/N",the boy gave him a nod and an assuring smile before he walked out with his lunch bag hanging from his shoulder.Kun watched M/N go in with his senior friends before drove away and headed back to the mansion,he couldn't forget how happy he felt with M/N in the car as that was the only thing in his mind.

As Kun was eating his breakfast with Doyoung since he already came to the house,M/N was already in his first subject in class.His teacher smiled before she spoke "M/N,would you like to answer this math equation?",the boy was hesitant at first because he didn't want to be treated so small but a explosion of confidence burst in him when his teacher added two more equations.He stood up and started answering them as if it was no sweat to do such thing,his teacher and classmates watched attentively as his hand was fast in writing since he manage to utilize the speed he had being a half-werewolf.He put the chalk down as he wrote the correct solutions and answers of the equations,he turned to everyone before he grinned in a cute way "And that only took five minutes~".He got a bit flustered when he heard claps,he walked back to his seat and hid his face in his math textbook.His teacher crossed her arms before she had a thought,she made sure to remember it before she went on with her discussion.

When it was recess,he went out the door last as he felt a bit shy to join the other students.His English teacher who was their subject teacher before break came to him and pat his shoulder "Hey,what's wrong?",M/N shyly spoke "I feel shy joining my classmates and eating with them...they know each other so well and they barely know me".The older laughed before he grabbed his hand "How about I help you choose a table to sit at with students you can feel comfortable with?Would you like that?",the younger nodded as he held his lunch bag in slight anxiousness.They headed for the cafeteria and his teacher instantly scanned around to see a place M/N could sit in,his eyes landed on a table full of nerdy students and knew he landed jackpot.He brought M/N to that table and introduced him since he knew the students were part of the other sections,he felt glad when he saw their approving nod and urged M/N to sit with them.Once the boy sat with them and waved goodbye to his teacher,one of the students started to engage a conversation and M/N instantly felt his shyness disappear.

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