"Being The Perfect Monster-Human Hybrid"

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It took a while for them to arrive at the building they were heading to,M/N walked out the car first and saw it was a mere sports center "Eh?Why are we here?".Yuta pat his shoulder as he smirked "We're here so we can train your werewolf abilities,buddy.We can't just let you run off with those abilities without any knowledge of how to control them,y'know?",M/N sighed as he saw the others boy walked out.They collectively walked to the building as the car went to to the parking lot,they were instantly greeted with happy smiles and the sweet welcoming air of the employees.The staff instantly looked shocked as they saw M/N,Taeyong smiled "He may look different but that's the same boy who came here last night,he just got werewolf blood inserted in him and he's in need of training so he won't end up like someone before".Jisung turned red as he saw Taeyong give him a stare,he rolled his eyes before they went to the certain part of the building that was only for them.M/N was shocked when he saw the countless training areas,Jeno held his hand and gave him a smile "Let's go to the werewolf training area,that's where you're gonna be for the rest of the day.M/N nodded before he yelped when Jeno started running fast,he was surprised when he managed to catch up.Jeno laughed "That's your werewolf speed,you can run miles for hours and you won't get tired at all!",he let go and saw wooden boxes blocking their way "Try your next ability,your body has extraordinary strength and you don't take much impact when you hit something no matter what it is!".M/N gave him a nod and stayed by Jeno's side,he gave him a nod and braced himself just in case he would get hurt.But to his surprise,he burst through the boxes easily and barely got hurt.

Once they got to the training area after simply testing out how M/N would use his abilities,M/N was greeted by a place that was a mix of a gym,rock climbing challenge,and a garage that had reusable junk to test his endurance in bursting through certain things.The other half werewolves walked in with smiles on their face,Sungchan went to M/N and pat his shoulder "So?How was your ability test drive?".M/N giggled "It was fine,hyung~",Jaehyun handed him some jogging pants that had the exact same pattern that M/N's pants had "Here,wear this while you train.Your belt might make it hard for you,and also take off your hat and put your bag down".Jisung groaned "Hyung,go easy on him.Its just his first time to train to master his werewolf abilities,y'know?",M/N shook his head as he did as he was told.It didn't take long before he was already excelling in his training thanks to how quick-witted he was,they watched proudly as they saw M/N jump diagonally to navigate the rock climbing wall.When he reached the top,he easily jumped off and landed on the concrete floor.He was shocked when he saw a circle of dust appear around the spot he landed on and a crack on the places his foot and fist hit,Jeno clapped his hands "First day and he already got used to using his abilities,all of us took longer but you did it like you've done it so much times already".M/N tried his best to ignore the remark as he instantly went to work his muscles out,Jaehyun walked over to where M//N landed and smiled when he could feel through the cracks "He did it,he really did it".


After a while,M/N was knocked out on the floor while he was back in his old pants as he panted because five hours of training drained him.He felt his neck and groaned when the surface of his palm became wet "Ah,I'm sweating so much and I thought I'd stay in my all black outfit the whole day today!",Sungchan chuckled "How about you trust us and go to that door?Scan your fingerprint first though,we already registered it so you didn't need to worry".M/N was impressed they got everything ready before he did as he was told,he was shocked when he opened the door and saw a booth.He went in before he closed the door,the holes in the walls of the booth blew cold air all around him which not only made his whole body cool down so he would have no sweat but he felt relaxed.He walked out as he was in disbelief before he went to the boys with an irremovable grin on his face,Jeno laughed "That's what everyone feels like during their first time in there,but you seem impressed rather than confused,which is a first".He turned to Jisung and the other turned red,he groaned as he sat on the floor "Why is everyone teasing me about my past today,its so annoying!!".M/N pouted before he sat next to him and laid his head on his shoulder,Jisung smiled as he took his hand and kissed it "Don't worry,hyung isn't upset anymore".M/N felt glad at that before he noticed that Jisung was drawing a heart on his palm over and over again,he looked at him innocently and that was all it took for Jisung to kiss his cheek which he lowkey liked.

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