"The Perfect Cross Of A Beast and Human"

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It was around 3 in the morning before the half-werewolves and half demons woke up from a feeling of uncertainty,they turned the lights of their rooms on and checked their reflections before they fell back and called for the others.It was much more intense since M/N was heavily scared of what he looked like,Yuta and Chenle ran in his room before their eyes widened.To assert the situation,they all gathered at the living room despite it being way too early for a family meeting.The half-werewolves had wolf ears and tails as the demons had demon horns,tails,and wings that were so big that they were forced to be flying in mid-air,Taeil sighed as he looked at them "Its weird that both of the monster genes evolved in their state at such early notice,I thought it took a few more years before they would change".Renjun looked worried as he could see M/N hiding behind the wall nearby the entrance with his shaking tail in view "M/N-ah,come here.You don't need to hide,buddy",M/N was hesitant at first before he went out of hiding.He went to Renjun and hugged his leg "I'm really scared right now,hyung.....I'm so scared",the half vampire pat the boy's head and scratched his wolf ears "Its fine,don't be scared".Taeil rubbed his temples before he spoke "We'll have to find ways of hiding these from ordinary humans,the people that know us here will just ask what happened to us if they saw us like this but we would get a different reaction once we arrive to the other side",M/N nodded "And scientists there might want to capture us and use us for ruthless experiments".The idea of such thing happening made him shudder but Renjun easily comforted him again,everyone else was tense but they knew M/N was in a lot of pressure at that moment.

He's wearing this

After they got ready and decided just to pack breakfast so they could eat it on the road,M/N was at the living room answering the math tests in his special homework so he would be distracted from what was stressing him for a while

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After they got ready and decided just to pack breakfast so they could eat it on the road,M/N was at the living room answering the math tests in his special homework so he would be distracted from what was stressing him for a while.Taeil was busy in the laboratory trying to make a potion that could at least alter their appearance for the whole time they were at the other side,he smiled as he got the perfect one.He speedily made more so that the boys who had a new form was safe from danger,he went out and headed down to show them what he created.Once everyone caught wind of it,they gathered around him except of M/N.The boy was by the corner doubting it would work,his wolf ears were drooping and his tail was almost touching the floor.Doyoung walked to him and placed the glass jar in a shape of a diamond "Hey,at least try this.Who knows?We could dodge the danger you think we'll be in?",M/N sighed before he took a sip since a sip would last him five hours.The transformation was quick and he looked normal,he had a smile before he hugged Doyoung.Taeyong gave him a nod and the other did the same,the half demons and other half werewolves took a sip before they became normal in appearance.Jaemin got a black rubber band from the drawer in the living room and tied M/N's hair into a ponytail,he cupped his cheeks before he kissed his forehead to assure him he didn't need to worry so much.

Without wasting a single second,they got out and headed for the car.They went in and the driver who looked like the man who drove M/N back then when he left his home appeared in the driver's seat,M/N smiled as he waved at the pale man.The man waved back with a grin before he gave Taeil a nod,the other gave him a small smile before he headed for the tunnel.He spoke as he drove "I hope you know my twin brother will be at the other side waiting for you,I think someone here knows why",M/N was confused "So it was your twin brother who drove me from the house to here?No wonder why I felt a bit uncertain when I say you".The driver chuckled "But worry not,he's told me all about you.I am honored to be of your acquaintance,young master",the boy was confused once again at the name before Jeno explained for him.As if just the few hours that passed by became minutes,they were back at the tunnel.M/N walked out with his bag that had his things were on his back,he was accompanied by the other boys a short while after before their driver handed them a flashlight each.M/N knew what to do and opened it before he and the boys walked through the dark tunnel,he already was used to the experience of being in the tunnel so he was calm but the other boys were scared which made M/N laugh.He held Renjun's shaking hand and gave him a smile,Renjun who could see M/N's face through the darkness as a vampire who had the ability of night vision felt brave and kept his head up.

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