"Monstrous Fashion"

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It wasn't a matter of time before M/N was at the school with the ten oldest boys of the family which were Taeil,Johnny,Taeyong,Yuta,Kun,Doyoung,Ten,Jaehyun,Winwin,and Jungwoo,he was nervous at first as he stood out because of his long hair that was braided.Taeil went behind him and pat his back "Hey,calm down.Its okay to stand out,it makes you unique",M/N nodded as he had an unsure expression on his face before he walked around finding where the director's office was.The other students waved at him as they gave him a welcoming smile while they walked around,it didn't matter at all if they were seniors or juniors and Jaehyun knew the boy was flustered from all the attention was getting.He went next to M/N and held his hand "See?Told you the truth when I said you were gonna be at the core of attention today",M/N lightly kicked Jaehyun's ankle as he sneered.

It didn't take long for them to be at the director's office,they were discussing about which section of the first grade of highschoolers he will be placed in and M/N couldn't help but notice that there was a crowd of students outside the window watching.He whispered something to Taeyong and the other grinned at the remark,Taeyong nodded "You can go,we'll handle this adult stuff.Go make some friends but be careful,okay?".M/N gave him a nod before he silently went off the chair and walked out the door.A small group of seniors that consisted of a few males and many females separated the crowd before they brought M/N with them so they could give him a tour of the school,one of the female seniors smiled as she touched M/N's braid "Woah,your hair looks so good.This must be the reason why so many people had their eyes on you".M/N shyly laughed "My hair turned pretty long when Taeil-hyung transfused my human blood with werewolf blood,I assumed it was enough for a ponytail but my family is surely innovative",one of the four males spoke in a slightly deep voice "Do you like it here?I mean,you came from the other side of the tunnel.Life is a tad bit different here,we have different laws and other things so you must be used to them by now".M/N nodded as he fixed his bangs "It's easy to get used to,and everything seems like the standard I'm fine with",they all laughed happily before M/N heard loud cheering.They walked back to the office and heard what seemed to be a excited 'yes!' from Taeil,he went in and ran to the older "Hyung,what got you so happy and excited?".The younger yelped when he was easily scooped up by Johnny,Taeil laughed "You tell him,you used to be our class president when we were in our first year in high school".Johnny nodded before he put M/N down "You got put into our old section back in our first year of high school,you're in the luckiest section so you're in for a treat",M/N had an permanent smile before they bade the director goodbye so M/N could meet his classmates and class adviser.M/N had an hint of excitement as he walked and the boys found it cute,he turned to them and smiled so happily that it felt like the time stopped as they admired how much love they had for him.

It didn't take much time before they reached the classroom,they heard instant shuffling and an excited murmur in the room as Jaehyun knocked on the door.The boys felt a bit of nostalgia when they went in and heard the students greet them formally whilst bowing,Jaehyun shook his hand as he found it a bit embarrassing.M/N introduced himself and he could tell all eyes were on him,Taeyong pat his shoulder "Don't worry,you'll have classes tomorrow.You're pretty lucky we enrolled you the week after their orientation".The whole room laughed at the remark before the other students and their adviser introduced themselves,M/N who was sitting at the back with the boys was focused as he tried to remember everyone's names.Johnny looked at him before he laughed softly,M/N mouthed each of his classmates' names and managed to get them all right on his first try.


It didn't take long for them to be walking to the parking lot once it was 1 PM in the afternoon,M/N was already in his clubs which were dance and book club,he already had his official schedule,and he had all he needed for school since the director didn't want neither him nor the boys to bear the burden to buy school supplies.M/N had a hint of happiness in his steps before he heard a soft laugh behind him,he turned around and looked at Taeil "Hm?".The other shook his head as he walked to him and ruffled his hair "The way you walked just looked so cute,I couldn't help but laugh",M/N pursed his lips in slight agreement before he went in the car.Taeil crossed his arms before he gave the other boys a nod,they went in and Kun started heading to the mall so they could buy M/N clothes.Taeyong informed the others that they were going to buy M/N new clothes and he could tell what they would do after Doyoung replied to his image with just a thumbs up emoji,Doyoung and his other brothers instantly went out the door and rushed to the car so they could also meet them at the mall.

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