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I've been all around the world,
done all there is to do
But you'll always be the home
I wanna come home to
-No Place by the Backstreet Boys

Its been six months since Monaco.  Sophia Stark-Taylor is looking at mission logs, make notes where she needed to improve, playing with her necklace.  She checks her phone for what felt like the hundredth time, hoping for an update.  She sighs when there is none but gets up to get a snack from the kitchen.  Distracted, she runs right into her brother, Tony.  Tony Stark scrambles to avoid dropping his prototype on the floor.  "Hey Rosie, are you ok?"

"Sorry Tony."  She keeps her head down and kept walking.

"Stop worrying Rose.  They are already in the air and on their way."

Sophia stopped and turned to Tony.  "I know that.  I don't stop until he is in my arms.  You know that."

"And I know that you are less than four months from the wedding.  You are stressing from the little decisions that are left. And you are going to take it out on those boys like you have been taking it out on Peter and me."  Tony crossed his arms and smiled.

Sophia narrowed her eyes.  "I am not taking it out on anyone.  And I haven't been working on wedding stuff. I'm just worried ok."

She started to walk fast back to her room, trying to avoid more questions.  Sophia's anxiety had been increasing with each mission.  The longer that she was away from her boys, the worst it got.  She had no reason to worry.  She knew that.  But she knew something was coming. It all had to do with Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross.

Meetings with Secretary Ross had been conducted with Tony and Steve for the last month, discussing how to handle the Avengers.  It always left Steve Rogers in a bad mood, but he was careful to talk to Sophia, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff about it before he let his anger shine through.  The last real argument he had with Sophia had left him shaken, knowing how close he was to losing the one thing in his life that was perfect, Sophia. After discussing the meetings, Sophia was always left with a sense of dread, a feeling of unrest in the pit of her stomach.

Another hour passed before Sophia got the ping that there was an incoming aircraft to the compound.  She looked at her phone and saw that it was the Quinjet.  She leaped up and ran to the hanger.  As she passes Nat's room, she said, "They're here!"

The jet landed and reversed back into position. Nat and Sophia waited for the bay doors to open and reveal Sam, Bucky, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Scott Lang and Steve with their gear in their hands. "Steve" Sophia breathed; she ran and launched herself at her fiancé.  Steve closed the distance, opened his arms and caught her, spinning her around. "Hey doll, you miss me?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Just a little," she laughed and reached over to give him a kiss.  She drops down out of his arms to run over and give Bucky a hug as well.  "Hey James," she says.

"Hey Angel.  You look relieved. Are you ok?"

"Better now.  Thanks for watching his six."

"Till the end of the line, Angel.  You know that."

Sophia looked over at the couple next to her.  Sam and Nat were staring into each other's eyes, their embrace showing the passion they had for the last six months.  "Hey Sam." Sophia called over.  Sam tore his eyes away from Nat and smiled.  "Hey Marie."

"Wanda?" A silver haired young man called from the door.

"Pietro!" Wanda raced over to hug her brother.

Obsession-Book Three (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now