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I'm sitting eyes wide open, and I got one thing stuck in my mind
Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life, oh

I Don't Wanna Live Forever – Taylor Swift and Zayn

Sophia started to stir as the jet began its descent into Wakanda. She looked around and saw Peter and Bucky sitting together. "Boys?"

Bucky looked up. "Hey Angel. Welcome back."

The phrase hit Sophia hard. Anytime she was injured, Steve would always welcome her back. It was then she remembered that Steve was no longer there. She started to cry.

"Angel? Angel it's ok. I'm here." Bucky held her as best he could. He knew she was heartbroken and now realizing Steve was gone.

"What did I do?" Sophia cried. "How could I just walk away?"

"You did it for Peter, Angel. You were afraid for your son. There is nothing wrong with that." Bucky stroked Sophia's back in an effort to calm her. "He knows that Angel."

Peter looked at his mom with fury. She took him away from his dad and with no good reason. At least in his mind. Pop would never hurt us he thought to himself.  He didn't understand why she would leave him. He kept quiet while she cried. He felt like she deserved it.

"What am I going to do, James?"

"Let's just get you checked out Angel and make sure you are ok.  Then we can worry about other things."  He looked down at his missing arm.

T'Challa walked over to Sophia, "My dear, my country will do anything they can for you.  You tried to stop the end of the world. We will be indebted to you."

The jet landed on the platform and waiting to greet the group was Princess Shuri and Queen Mother Ramonda. T'Challa went up to his mother and sister and greeted them with a kiss.  He led his mother to the group and said, "Mama, allow me to present to you Dr. Sophia Taylor, Sargent James Barnes and Mr. Peter Parker-Rogers."  T'Challa had dropped Sophia's other surnames, unsure of how she wanted to be address.

Sophia went up to regal woman, took her hand and curtsey. "Queen Mother, thank you for allowing me passage into your country.  Please allow me to pass my condolences on the loss of your husband.  He was a great man."

"Thank you, my child.  Please call me Ramonda.  You are most welcome in our country.  We would like to be of great assistance to you in any way I can.  Starting with you friend.  Sergeant Barnes."  She extended her hand to Bucky.

"Please ma'am, call me Bucky.  Thank you again for letting us come.  I know that I may not be welcome here among your people."

"Bucky, you were not responsible for the death of my husband.  We have the one responsible and we will take care of him swiftly."

It was at that moment that Sophia realized Zemo had been on the plane with them the whole time.  She felt her anger rise and she tensed.  Bucky felt her and stepped in front of her.  "Angel, please, you have to stay calm.  We need their help and killing him before they have had their justice will not help us," he whispered to her.  He saw the purple recede from her eyes as she attempted to calm herself.

The introductions continued with Shuri and Peter and T'Challa showed the trio to their rooms.  Sophia's room was large and while.  A queen size bed sat in the middle of the room, with a dresser and TV sitting across.  An in-suite bathroom and walk in closet completed the room.  Sophia ached to remove her suit but she had no other clothing with her. Her favorite thing about the room was the giant window that faced out to the valley.  Sophia stood next to the window, looking out, getting lost in its beauty.  Steve would have loved it here she thought to herself.  A knock at the door drew her out of her melancholy thoughts.

Obsession-Book Three (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now