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You know, you've reaped what you have sown
You know, you're the reason you're alone
You said, I was your superhero
But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone

- Superhero by Hayd

As Steve and Bucky exited the jet to the snow-covered terrain, a memory hits Steve causing him to laugh. "Remember when we had to ride home in that freezer truck from the beach."

"Because we blew all our train money on hot dogs?"

"No, because you spent 3 dollars trying to win a stuff bear for a girl."

Bucky laughed as they continued to walk through the snow. "Right, I forgot about that. Dot. She's gotta be 100 by now."

"So are we, jerk. You ready for this?"

"I'm ready to end this. I want them to be safe," he glanced back at the jet.  "Steve, if we make it through this..."

"When we make it through this," Steve corrected

"Is it ok if I stay with you guys? I know that you don't like that I love her but being separated from her hurts my soul just too much. I don't know why we are so connected but..."

"It's ok pal. I understand. I've always felt this pull with her too.  I wish you didn't but I won't hurt her. She needs you just like she needs me. As long as you don't try nothing."

"Trust me, Steve. I won't. I don't want to hurt her either and making her choose would be hurting her. I'll be her best friend. Nothing more."

The duo made it to the doorway leading to the bunker. Steve glanced at Bucky who had his gun raised ready to defend. Steve went in first his shield raised. The silence inside was deafening. They slowly made their way down the levels to where Bucky remembered the other super soldiers were kept.

Outside Tony saw the Quinjet parked about 100 yards from the entrance. Not checking to see if anyone was inside, he went directly to the entrance.  He made his way down and pried open the door to reveal himself to the Captain and the Soldier. "At ease soldier, I'm not currently trying to kill you."

"Tony, what are you doing here?"

"Yeah, so maybe what you were saying wasn't so crazy. Maybe what Sophia was trying to tell us about Ross wasn't crazy either.  He said to me that I didn't want to see an empire fall. Sound familiar? He made it seem like he wanted to get to Sophia more than the rest of us."

Steve looked at Bucky with horror on his face. He turned back to Tony and said "yeah. The fake doctor said that he wanted to see an empire fall."

Tony put two and two together and knew that they were being set up. He could still see Bucky with his weapon raised. He couldn't blame the guy for not trusting him but he needed the tension to die down a bit. "Hey Manchurian Candidate, can you see we are getting to a truce right now."

Steve looked at Bucky and nodded. Bucky lowers his weapon. "What do we do?"

"We take care of these soldiers," Tony started, "and then we go after Ross."

"Sounds like a plan," Steve agreed.

"Where is my sister anyways?"

"She's on the jet with Peter. Hopefully he'll stay alive." Bucky joked. "Hope you have something awesome to say when she sees you."

"Oh, I know I'm dead where I stand right now. Maybe you guys can help a brother out?" Tony asked hopefully.

Steve and Bucky just laughed, knowing that there was no stopping Sophia. Tony swallowed also knowing his sister. It would take a while for forgiveness. As the trio reached the main area, Tony scanned for life forms. "Uh guys, I'm reading a heat signature."

Obsession-Book Three (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now