Wake up,
You've slept enough.
The night is now yours,
And so is your life.The dreadful moon,
Will guide your journey,
The shining sun,
Will destroy all mournings.The haze will be thick,
And the steps will be slow.
All around you the pitch,
No stars will be shown.The sound of some crows,
And they land on your shoulders.
One who bear the name of memory
While the other the name of thought.As a choir they'll chant you the journey,
Of heroes who won and lost, but never forgot,
That life must be lived,
In its pain and sorrow.For we feel sadness,
only cause once we felt happiness.
But joy will come again,
The crows will find it and chant it.Explanation:
____________________________________________The two ravens are Huginn and Muninn, Odin's companions, who fly over the world at dawn and rest on Odin's shoulders in the evening to tell him about the events. Their names mean memory and thought, and in memory and thought perhaps it is possible to find the meaning of the happiness that we can only remember, but that is now lost.