Chapter 3: He's different

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I won't write three chapters every week but just so you guys know that the juice your waiting for is coming I had to give you something a little extra :))

But expect one or two chapters from me every weekend!

"Ashley!" Mom yelled, I quickly finished up washing everyone's breakfast plates and running to her room. As I entered her room I saw her helping Jack put on his uniform.

"Yes" I asked looking at the fancy clock with detailed designing on it. I had one and a half hour before school, phew. 

"Can you please go wake up Izzy, I've woke her up twenty minutes ago, and she said she's coming, but she still isn't here. Tell her she has to be ready in thirty minutes or I'm taking her phone today if she's late." My mom told me fixing Jacks collar. I nodded, heading to my sister's room. I knocked on her door and then without waiting for her to answer opened it wide, and as I did it slammed against the wall. Izzy opened her eyes and then rolled over. 

"Ashley what did the door ever do to you?" She said sleepily

I ignored her and said " Mom says you have to be ready in thirty minutes or she's taking your phone" I took her the quilt of and started folding it. "So get up, or you'll regret it" I said putting the now folded quit on her bed.

"Ughh, I hate youuu" She said getting up like a zombie out of bed

"Love you toooo" I sang leaving her room and going upstairs to get ready.


After I finally got dressed, I wore a sunny yellow dress with a denim jacket, and my casual white sneakers. 

Then I grabbed my black leather backpack I got last month and put it next to my room door so I don't forget it. Yes I have forgotten my backpack a couple times. 

If you guys didn't get the picture this is what she wore ;)

Then I went to my bathroom and put on some mascara and lip gloss

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Then I went to my bathroom and put on some mascara and lip gloss. When I was dome I brushed my hair then I was deciding if I should straighten my hair I went out of my bathroom and looked at my reflection. My hair had natural light waves and it suited the outfit, so I left it open going down to my waist almost. Then I took out my jewelry box my grandmother gave me when I was twelve and took out two silver ring loop earrings. I put the jewelry box back and got my bag and went down the stairs.

How I looked always mattered to me. It never was to impress someone or anything, but I just loved putting in effort in how I look, I did it for myself.

I hugged mom goodbye and she told me to behave and be nice to Bryan, and she also said that he'd changed and wasn't that same prankster. HAH! he's definitely changed, just not in a good way.

I stood in front of my house putting my house keys in my backpack and waited for him to arrive, I couldn't wait to teach him a lesson for what he did.

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