6 | that umbrella scene

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June 14th, 2005 - 12:28 p.m.

Sitting alone at lunch wasn't so bad, Y/n decided as she ate the food she'd prepared for herself before she left the house, whilst the other hand held the manga she was reading. She laughed as one of the side characters said something funny before moving on to the next page.

''You like manga?'' She looked up, seeing none other than Chifuyu seating himself in front of her and letting his hands rest on the table. His eyes were trailing to the cover, trying to see what she was reading.

Y/n nodded as she lifted the manga up slightly so he can see the cover. ''Yeah, I do.''

''Isn't that shounen manga?'' Chifuyu said, quirking an eyebrow as he recognized the series. He didn't expect her to read manga, much less shounen.

''Yeah,'' Y/n said as her eyes continued scanning the pages. ''Why, don't you like shounen?''

''Well, it's not bad, but I prefer shoujo,'' Chifuyu confessed, causing the girl to furrow her eyebrows.

''You read shoujo?'' Y/n asked in confusion. ''You don't look like a person who reads shojou.''

''You don't look like a person who reads shounen.''

''Fair enough,'' Y/n said. ''But why would you read romance manga when shounen stories are right here? Romance is good as a sub-plot.''

''It's good as a main plot, too!'' Chifuyu argued. ''They have more character development, you know?''

''Yeah, but there's no fights there!'' Y/n reminded him. ''I thought you as a delinquent would enjoy that, you know?''

''How about this? You recommend me a good shounen manga and I'll recommend you a good shoujo and then we'll see if our opinions change,'' Chifuyu suggested. ''How about that?''

At least I'll get to see what she likes, Chifuyu thought.

''Fine,'' Y/n agreed just as the bell rang. ''Decide by tomorrow, then. See you later, Chifuyu.''

She walked away, heading towards her class, whilst Chifuyu wondered which manga he should recommend her.

Y/n, too, wondered what she should recommend Chifuyu to read when she bumped into someone. ''Oh, sorry Kaguya-san.''

The girl shook her head. ''No worries, Y/n-san,'' Kaguya said, though her eyes trailed behind her. ''Were you sitting with Matsuno Chifuyu?''

''Huh? Oh, yeah,'' Y/n said, realizing what she was trying to imply. ''I know I said I'll keep my distance, but he's a really nice guy.''

Kaguya seemed skeptical, but hesitantly nodded. ''I hope you've considered this well, Y/n.''

Why was Kaguya making their friendship sound worse than it was?

June 14th, 2005 - 3:23 p.m.

Y/n sighed as she stood under the shelter the school provided, watching as the rain fell heavily on the ground, creating puddles here and there. She opened her backpack, bringing out the blue umbrella she carried just in case it rained.

Opening up the umbrella, she started her way home, already feeling the rain wetting her shoes and socks, causing her to grimace slightly. The rain wasn't letting up either, so it was probably going to rain the whole night. She wouldn't be able to see the stars tonight.

The streets were seemingly empty, yet faint panthing sounds could be heard from behind, as if someone was running, though Y/n paid them no mind. They were followed by the splash of water, as if someone was stepping in puddles.

And then, as someone sneaked under her umbrella, Y/n couldn't help but scream and hit them with her bag, backing away from them. ''Get away, you pervert!''

''Ouch!'' the person said and put his arms in front of his head in self protection. ''Don't hit me, I'm Chifuyu!''

Y/n lowered down her bag, as she had prepared it to strike again. She scoffed as she moved closer to him so the umbrella can cover him. ''Why would you sneak on me like that, idiot?''

''Because it's raining cats and dogs out here and you have an umbrella?'' Chifuyu justified his actions.

''Don't just sneak on me like that next time,'' Y/n said, hitting his shoulder lightly with her bag. ''You're soaked, why didn't you bring an umbrella?''

''Umbrella's are for losers.''

''And yet you're hiding under mine.''

''. . . Shut up.''

Y/n chuckled and resumed her walking, leaving Chifuyu behind. ''Hey, wait up!''

He caught up to her, sneaking under the umbrella again as he fell into her pace. ''And I still have to go to cram school,'' Y/n sighed, looking up at Chifuyu. She noticed that due to the rain soaking him, his hair had fallen flat on his head, causing her to smile. ''You know, your hair down suits you better than when you gel it up.''

''Huh? Don't I look cooler with my hair up?'' asked Chifuyu in confusion.

''I mean, maybe, but I'm just telling you my opinion,'' Y/n said, waving him off. ''You do you, it's your hair.''

Chifuyu remained silent at her words, running a hand through his wet hair, thinking. Has she really be thinking he looks dumb with his hair gelled up this whole time?

The two walked in silence that was in a way comforting. Sure, Y/n's socks and all of Chifuyu's clothes were wet, but that didn't seem to bother them as the two enjoyed each other's presence, one more so than the other.

It feels like in the movies, Y/n thought, but shook her head. This isn't romantic or anything, though. Chifuyu's just my idiot neighbor who forgot his umbrella.

Feels like a scene in a manga, Chifuyu thought. I should probably stop comparing my life to manga.

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