10 | on baji's bill

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July 15th, 2005 - 10:27 a.m.

The past few days of relaxation had been very much appreciated by Y/n - 'relaxation' was a strong word to use, but the exams were over, meaning she could finally take a break from studying.

Still, work for the student council seemed to never end. That's why there she was, walking down the hallway after having - once again - delivered some folders the president had asked her to distribute to the classes. There was one folder left that was still in her hands, and she couldn't wait to leave it in the classroom and finally go and have lunch with Baji and Chifuyu.

Or should I sit with Fujiwara and Kaguya-san today? I haven't really sat with them in a while, Y/n pondered.

Tutoring Baji had been hard and time-consuming, especially the last few days before the exams; it had taken lunches, evenings and weekends so she could somehow catch him up to the material. He was, unfortunately, naturally dumb so it proved harder than she initially thought it would be, but she could see he was trying. She prayed he actually managed to memorize at least some of the things she taught him.

Chifuyu, however, barely even needed her help. He wasn't the smartest, but he could hold his own if he sat down to study without Peke J bothering him. He had barely asked her questions and if he did, it was about something easy, something she was sure he knew.

So why did he ask for help?

''Yo, Y/n!''

She looked up at the call of her name, only to be greeted at the sight of running Chifuyu and Baji. Baji looked odd running in his glasses and low bun, so she couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

''What is - WOAH!'' She got cut off as Chifuyu grabbed her wrist in excitement and started pulling her back where they'd come from, Baji running right in front of them. She almost dropped the folder, gripping it tighter as she looked at Chifuyu, almost yelling out. ''What are you two doing?''

''The exam results are out!'' Chifuyu spoke and her eyes widened. With all the work for the student council, she had totally forgotten the exam results were coming out today. Since when did Chifuyu and Baji care about exam results, anyway?

Suddenly, her heart dropped.

She'd spent so much time tutoring Baji and Chifuyu that she barely got time to study herself. Of course, she did manage to revise enough with them as they had to do the same exams, but there was still that pain in the back of her throat.

The score-board was blocked by students by the time they arrived. Baji started pushing them aside to get to the board, Chifuyu following and pulling Y/n along. They were soon at the front, her eyes immediately falling to the end of the board, seeing names she didn't recognize.

Okay, okay, that's a good start, she thought as her eyes continued scanning up the board, soon spotting Baji's name at place 97. ''Baji, you passed, look!'' Y/n said as she pointed at his name, causing the boy to howl in excitement.

''Ma's gonna be so proud!"

Y/n chuckled as her eyes continued up the list, her eyes finding Chifuyu's name next - sitting right there at number 48. ''Chifuyu! There you are!" Y/n pointed at his name, noticing that he had already been looking there, his mouth slightly opened.

''God damn.''

Y/n laughed at his reaction before looking back at the board, her eyes continuing up the list, her eyes finally finding her own name.

17 - L/n Y/n

Seventeeth. That was . . . quite good.

''Yo, Y/n, did they spell your name wrong?'' Baji asked as he, too, found her name on the list.

She was broken out of her trance, looking up at Baji and laughing. ''No, Baji, that's how you spell my name.''

''What? I thought it's with an N?''

''No, Baji.''


Chifuyu, too, was broken of the trance of his success as the cheerfulness his friends radiated. He looked at them - Y/n laughing joyously whilst Baji looked almost constipated - and couldn't help but feel a slight pang in his heart.

But Baji knew he likes her. Plus, Baji isn't looking for a relationship. So, there was nothing to worry about, right?

''Y/n, lemme treat you peyong soba for the help!''


July 15th, 2005 - 3:30 p.m.

''Get us two bowls of peyong soba, will ya?''

''Three, Baji-san.''

''Oi, I'm not paying for ya,'' Baji spoke as he leaned back in his seat, looking away from the waiter and at Chifuyu, who sat at the seat across from him. ''Ya didn't tutor me, did ya?''

''C'mon now!'' Chifuyu turned to the waiter. ''One more peyong soba for me, please. Put it on his bill, too.''


Y/n laughed as the waiter walked away, giving the two bickering boys a look as he went. She took off her sweater, leaving her in her short-sleeved button-up, putting it to rest on the back of the joined seat she and Chifuyu were sitting at.

''Thanks for treating us, Baji,'' Y/n said as she took a sip of the water the waiter had brought in previously.

Baji leaned back in his seat, finally bringing his hand up and tugging the hair-tie out of his hair, letting it fall free on his shoulders then proceeding to take off his glasses, finally returning to his non-school-Baji-self.

He was pretty, Baji was. Y/n couldn't deny that.

''Hey, Chifuyu,'' she spoke as she turned to look at the boy sitting next to her, who cocked an eyebrow in confusion. ''Did you finish that manga I lent you?''

There was a moment of silence, the boy looking like there were gears turning in his head before it clicked. ''Oh! I'm almost done. I'll give it back tomorrow.''

''It's okay, keep it as long as you need,'' Y/n waved him off, not wanting him to rush and ruin the experience for himself. ''Just wanted to mention that the new volume is coming out tomorrow and wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to buy it? Fujiwara is busy, so . . .''

Chifuyu cracked a grin. ''Sure! I wanted to buy some manga, too.''

There was nothing to worry about, right?

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