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June 23rd, 2005 - 9:48 p.m.

I can't believe Chifuyu stopped styling his hair just because of my comment, Y/n thought as she looked up at the starry sky. She was, once again, sitting at her windowsill, her manga in hand, though remaining closed as she had a lot on her mind. It's been a few days already, he would've bought hair gel by now if he wanted to style his hair . . . right?

She sighed, rubbing her temples before looking away from the stars and opening her manga again. Her head was starting to hurt from that much thinking.

Upon bringing their bikes outside, Chifuyu spared a glance towards Y/n, seeing that she was, once again, at her window.

He couldn't help but wonder what she was reading this time.

''Oi, Chifuyu, let's go!'' Baji spoke, having already turned his bike on and was waiting for his friend to do the same.

Chifuyu shook his head. ''Yeah, sorry, Baji-san.''

Baji couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's lovesickness.

As the two motorbikes roared, Y/n diverted her gaze towards the two motorbikes. Chifuyu and Baji had taken off again. I wonder where the two are going this time . . .

She got up from her window and moved back to her desk, where her scattered notes from earlier were laying. She'd decided to take a short break while studying, though that break had turned out to be an hour of reading manga and contemplating life while she looked at the stars.

A sigh escaped her lips as she picked up her pen again, proceeding to continue her homework with some music playing from the radio in the back. The homework had been so absorbing that she hadn't noticed when someone had sneaked into her room.


Y/n almost threw the cat that had settled itself in her lap without her realizing, scaring her to death.

''Y/n, are you okay?'' her mother yelled from the other room after hearing the shriek.

''I - uh - yeah!'' Y/n yelled back, trying to think of an excuse. ''There was just . . . a bug here! I got rid of it, don't worry!''

''Okay!" her mother yelled back, causing Y/n to let out a sigh of relief.

She looked back down at the cat, which was looking up at her with its big eyes. Y/n quirked an eyebrow and tilted her head. ''. . . Peke J?'' The cat meowed, confirming that it was, in fact, Chifuyu's cat. ''Why are you here? Does Chifuyu know you're here?''

. . . Why are you talking to a cat, Y/n? She sighed, deciding she'd started loosing it. Okay, I'll just keep him with me for tonight and then bring him back to Chifuyu tomorrow. It's better that he's with me rather than having run away, right?

She let Peke lay on her lap, stroking his fur as she continued her homework. Once she was done, she made her way to bed, Peke following right after and making himself at home at the foot of her bed.

She leaned over her nightstand lamp, turning it off.

''Good night, Peke.''


June 24th, 2005 - 11:12 a.m.

Chifuyu groans as he feels himself waking up, turning around to lay on his back. He opened his mouth a few times, feeling the foul taste of it. Scrounging his nose, he sat up and yawned. Opening his eyes slowly, his blurry sight adjusted and he looked at his foot to see if Peke J was still asleep.

He's probably awake already, Chifuyu thought as he got up from his bed, making his way towards the bathroom. He scratched his stomach under his shirt as he picked up his toothbrush and lazily brushed his teeth.

Once he was back in his room, Chifuyu looked down at Peke J's cup to check if he had emptied it already, only to find it still full. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked into the kitchen, checking the cup in there, only to find it full there, too.

''Peke?'' Chifuyu called, yet got no response back. ''Peke J?''

He rushed back in his room, throwing his door open, only to realize he'd left his window wide open the night before.

Shit! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Chifuyu ran out of his room as the two words running on repeat in his head. He quickly put on his shoes and sprinted down the stairs of the building, wildly looking in all directions in hopes of spotting his cat.

''Peke J!''

Y/n looked up as she walked down the stairs of her building, holding Peke J in her arms. She looked down to see a frantic Chifuyu and chuckled at his panic, hurrying up down the stairs so he can relieve him of his worries.

''Chifuyu!'' Y/n called as she crossed the street, causing the boy to look towards her, the hand that was running through his hair falling down on his side as he spotted Peke J in Y/n's arms. Relief filled him and he almost fell like he could fall on the ground.

''Peke . . .'' Chifuyu spoke as a hand flew to his heart, feeling the stress leave him. ''How did you find him, Y/n?''

She came to a halt in front of him, letting Peke crawl into Chifuyu's hands, who hugged his cat in worry he would disappear again. ''He came to my room last night and scared the shit out of me,'' Y/n explained, holding her hands behind her back. ''Just after you and Baji went somewhere.''

''Goddamit, I guess I forgot to close my window in the hurry last night,'' Chifuyu admitted, stroking Peke J's head. ''I'm glad he came to you and didn't just run away.'' He must get lonely when I leave so that's why he went to Y/n, Chifuyu assumed.

''Yeah . . .'' Y/n said and hesitated for a moment before asking her next question. ''I know it might not be my place to ask, but . . . where do you and Baji go so late at night? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's okay.''

Chifuyu's eyes widened at her question - he didn't expect her to ask that, but then again, it was reasonable. He, too, hesitated before delivering his next words. ''Baji and I . . . we're in a gang.''

Y/n blinked once, twice, three times, before bursting out laughing. ''Yeah, that's funny, Chifuyu.''

He looked at her with an annoyed expression. ''I'm serious, Y/n,'' Chifuyu told her. ''I'm in the Tokyo Manji Gang. First Division Vice-Captain.''

Her laugh halted, her eyes blinking. She's heard that name before - throw around school, nothing more. Chifuyu was a delinquent, yet somehow, Y/n hadn't expected him to be in a gang.


It would explain a lot, though. Them riding motorbikes. Going places so late at night. Wearing those weird uniforms that one time she saw them on her way home.

Then again, they were middle schoolers. How much of a real gang could it really be? The most they could get are some bruises and a broken nose, right?

Y/n patted his shoulder in a sort-of teasing way. ''I believe you. Just take better care of your cat next time, alright?''

Chifuyu scoffed, looking away in embarrassment. ''I just forgot to close my window, jeez.''

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