11 | longing

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hey besties, how was your week?

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July 22nd, 2005 - 8:23 a.m.

An American song played on the radio as Y/n walked around her room, picking up things she would need for the next few weeks she would be gone from home. If she had to be honest, she wasn't very excited about seeing her cousins, but her parents didn't really leave her a choice, so she had to go with them.

Walking over to her desk, she looked at the stack of manga that laid there - some new ones she'd bought a few days ago and some Chifuyu had lent us that she had yet to read. She scanned through them, picking out the few shojo mangas among them and bringing them over her suitcases.

''Good morning!''


Y/n almost jumped out of her skin at the sound, turning around to see Chifuyu standing in front of her window with Peke J in his arms, a sleepy grin on his face. It was early, not even half past eight in the morning, so why was Chifuyu awake? It was the summer holidays, after all.

''What're you doing here?'' Y/n put the manga on her bed and walked over to the window, gesturing for Chifuyu to come in as she took Peke J in her arms. ''It's so early, too, it's unusual.''

''I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out today,'' Chifuyu spoke with a grin on his face. ''Baji-san and I are planning to go to the arcade!''

Y/n's smile dropped as she continued petting Peke J. ''I'm sorry, but I have to pack my stuff. My parents and I are going to visit my cousins for a few weeks.''


''Yeah, sadly,'' Y/n said as she put Peke J down and let him roam her room. ''Which reminds me, can I take some of your manga with me? I need something to occupy myself with or I'll go crazy.''

Chifuyu nodded. ''Sure. You never mentioned going to your cousins', though. Do you really have to go?''

''Apparently it was a 'surprise','' Y/n said as she started putting the manga in small bags so they don't get damaged. ''I don't wanna go but I don't really have a choice.''

''But . . . But! We could've done so much this summer!'' Chifuyu almost whined as he let himself fall on the cleaner side of the bed in exasperation before realizing he'd thrown himself on a girl's bed. On Y/n's bed. Quickly standing back up, Chifuyu got back up and looked away so she wouldn't notice his blush.

''As I said, I have no choice,'' Y/n said as she started putting the manga in her suitcase. ''Also, can I borrow the next two volumes of that manga with the zodiacs? The one where the cat and rat zodiac keep fighting and stuff.''

''Yeah,'' Chifuyu nodded begrudgingly. ''Let me borrow some of your manga, then. Since you won't be back for a while.''

''Help yourself.''

July 25th, 2005 - 1:12 p.m.

''What's got you all down the past few days?''

Chifuyu looked up from the dorayaki he had been munching on and at Mikey, who sat on the bench in front of him.

''Yeah, you've been so quiet, it's unusual,'' Draken added, leaning on a tree.

Baji, as the good friend he was, wrapped an arm around Chifuyu's shoulders and grinned. ''He's sad because his girlfriend went to visit her cousins and won't be back for a while.''

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