12 | gang shit

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hey besties, how was your week?

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August 3rd, 2005 - 12:33 p.m.

After having finally put away all of her belongings, Y/n picked up the stack of manga she had borrowed from Chifuyu and finished in the course of her trip, then made her way out of the house, bidding goodbye to her parents.

A few minutes was all it took to walk across the street and over to Chifuyu's apartment. She rang the doorbell as best as she could with her quite full hands, waiting for the boy to open the door.

Chifuyu didn't take take long to open, his eyes widening as he faced the stack of books. Was this why his manga shelf looked so much emptier? ''Y/n? You're back!''

''Yes, yes, I'm back, mind giving me a hand?''

''Oh, shit, sorry, yeah!''

He took a bigger portion of the stack and brought it inside, motioning for her to following him. The two made their way to his bedroom, where they put all the manga on the desk.

''Can't believe you managed to finish all of that,'' Chifuyu said as he looked through all the copies. ''You must've been bored.''

''I was, for sure.'' Y/n nodded and finally took a look at him. He looked the same, except the clothes he was wearing - they were dark with white boots and there were words written on the sleeves and back. ''You look rather dashing. Is there an occasion?''

Chifuyu felt his cheeks warm up at the comment. ''In a way, yeah.''

She nodded in understanding, not pressing the matter further. ''I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out today, but it seems I caught you in a rough time.''

''You could say that.'' He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. ''Sorry, I have plans with the gang today.''

Y/n nodded, crossing her arms in front of her chest and an unsatisfied look found itself on her face. ''Ah, yes. The delinquent gang. Of course.''

Chifuyu felt bad for blowing her off, but he couldn't bail on his friends. Not today. ''I'm sorry, really. We can hang out tomorrow or something-''

Her laugh cut him off and Chifuyu blinked once, twice, three times in confusion. ''S-Sorry, your expression was just funny,'' Y/n said as she tried to calm down. ''Don't worry, go hang out with your friends. I'll go buy some snacks and then go home and read manga - as usual.''

A relived sigh left his lips. She was so understanding, it made him fall even more.

August 3rd, 2005 - 6:27 p.m.

As she had told Chifuyu earlier, she was sitting in her room, listening to some music that was playing on the radio, eating the snacks she'd bought and re-reading some of her shounen manga. The chips crunched as she chewed it, being careful not to stain her manga.

Her eyes snapped towards the window at the three knocks, disturbing her reading. At this point, she'd realized that the only person stupid enough to visit her at her window and not come in through her front door is none other than her neighbor.

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