16 | work, work and more work

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September 7th, 2005 - 7:43 a.m.

Chifuyu left his house at the same time Y/n did - the difference was that he wasn't in a rush, unlike her. He quirked an eyebrow as he watched her speed-walk in the direction of the school. Looking up, he noticed Baji walking down the stairs and greeting him.

''Yo, Baji-san, let's go catch up to Y/n.'' He didn't wait for Baji as he started making his way towards Y/n, leaving his captain to catch up to him first.

''Y/n!'' she turned around at the call of her name, coming to a halt.

''Oh, morning,'' Y/n said, waiting for them to catch up to her.

''What's the rush?'' Chifuyu said as both he and Baji fell into step with Y/n, the three of them resuming walking quickly towards the school.

''Morning council meeting,'' Y/n said, holding the strap of her bag with one hand. ''I'm running kind of late, so.''

''Oh, should we go back for the motorbikes?'' Baji suggested and Y/n quirked at eyebrow.

''Three thirteen years olds showing up at their middle school with motorbikes? Yeah, no, Baji.''

''I'm fourteen.''

''That doesn't really make it any better.''

Chifuyu and Baji settled to the quick pace Y/n was walking at, understanding they couldn't convince her. ''Anyway, you wanna eat lunch at the rooftop later?''

''Sorry, got studen council work.''

Chifuyu's smile dropped from his face. ''Oh. How about tomorrow, then?''

''Student council. Sorry.''

Student council this, student council that. Chifuyu was getting tired of the student council, considering it's been a week since school started and they - he - have barely seen Y/n at all because of it. Was it really that important?

Though, could he really complain? They weren't best friends by any means and they weren't a couple either. He should probably be thankful she even wants to hang out with him sometimes.

Yet, he was still very much annoyed at the stupid student council.

''Do you want to hang out after school, then?'' Chifuyu asked, his last resort.

''Sorry, got cram school. We can hang out next week if you want?''

The pout returned to his face. It was either the student council or cram school. Why was she such a busy person? ''Yeah, sure.''

Baji tried his hardest to keep his laughing in check in front of Y/n, though once they arrived at school and she jogged away to join her meeting, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Chifuyu sent him a glare. ''What are you laughing about, Baji-san?''

''Nothing, nothing.''

September 7th, 2005 - 8:33 p.m.

''What's got him so sulky?'' asked Mikey as he watched Chifuyu sit on the side and look at nothing in particular, having barely spoken the whole night.

Upon hearing the comment, Chifuyu looked at Mikey, though his pout didn't leave his lips. ''I'm not sulking.''

Mitsuya looked at Baji upon Chifuyu's defence, causing Baji to chuckle. ''He's sad because his girlfriend doesn't have time for him.''

Chifuyu scoffed, speaking quietly. ''She's not even my girlfriend.''

''You wish she were, though, aye?''

''Shut up, Baji-san.''

September 7th, 2005 - 11:21 p.m.

Y/n sat at her windowsill, quite exhausted from the whole week, even though it was only Wednesday. She had Shin and Mei in her lap, being careful not to drop one of them as they slept on top of each other and was already dressed in her pajamas. Just two more days and her schedule will hopefully clear up a bit, considering it's been hectic for the past two weeks, since school started again.

Resting her head back, she looked up - there was only a single star visible tonight due to the clouds littering the sky.

The rev of engines filled the silence and she looked down, seeing the two motorbikes parking in front of the building across from hers. Chifuyu and Baji were home quite early today, she noted.

She felt bad for blowing off Chifuyu, even more so since she had realized her feelings about him not too long ago. Still, she couldn't help it that her schedule was being so busy. They were making preparations for the winter school festival, which she found quite dumb to be so stressed over considering it was only September. Still, President Shigure knew best, she supposed.

Chifuyu looked up at Y/n's window as if instinctively, not expecting anything. His eyes did widen when he noticed the lamp in her room lit up and illuminating her body that was sitting on her window. He took a step forward, debating - should he go talk to her now? It was late, should he disturb her?

''Isn't that Y/n?'' Baji said as he noticed what his friend was looking at.

''Yeah.'' Chifuyu nodded.

''What are you waiting for?'' Baji gave him a semi-rough push forward, causing Chifuyu to stumble. ''Go talk to her. You've been missing her, right?''

''But it's late, Baji-san.''

''Yeah, and she's cleary awake. Just go.''

Chifuyu looked between Baji and her window three times before sighing and grinning. ''Alright. I'll see you tomorrow.''

Baji gave him thumbs up and told him he would close the garage. Chifuyu rushed out, speeding towards Y/n's window.

She had her eyes closed as she rested her head against the wall, almost asleep when she felt the two kittens stirring in her lap. ''Shh, you'll wake Y/n up. Why's she asleep on the window, anyway?''

Her eyes fluterred open and she turned her head to the side, her eyes squinting at the blue eyes she was met with. ''. . . Chifuyu? What are you doing here?''

''Baji-san and I just arrived home and I saw you at your window,'' Chifuyu said, quirking an eyebrow at her. ''Why are you sleeping here?''

''I fell asleep without realizing,'' Y/n said as she straightened up and swung both her legs to the outside of the window to face Chifuyu properly. ''You guys are home earlier than usual.''

''Yeah, it's a school night,'' Chifuyu said. ''You should go to bed if you're tired, you have to wake up early tomorrow.''

''So do you,'' Y/n said as she yawned. ''Thanks for waking me up.''

Chifuyu nodded as he watched her swing her legs to the inside of her room and jumping down, letting the cats run to their bed. ''Yeah, of course.''

Her hands grabbed her window and gave him a tired smile. ''Good night, Chifuyu. See you at school.''

''Yeah, see ya.''

He watched as she closed her window and then her blinds, remaining in front of her window for a few moments. This was probably their first interaction in the past couple of days.

Next week, hopefully, Chifuyu thought as he walked away. Next week we can hang out.

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