26 | back to the future

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the story branches from the original around here. from now on i'm using my own plot.

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November 18th, 2005 - 12:12 p.m.

''-and then Peke J tore up one of my mom's favorite pillows,'' Chifuyu said in-between licking his ice-cream. ''She's really mad. I need to buy her a new one now.''

Takemichi chuckled as he listened to his friend's problems - it was better to hear about his mother's torn pillow than about him still grieving over his friend hard. It hasn't been long since Baji passed, but Chifuyu seemed to be doing much better. He needs his time, but he's definitely on the right track.

''Do you even have the money for that?'' asked Takemichi as he, too, licked his ice-cream.

''I have some savings. I was planning on using them for something else, but oh well.'' Chifuyu was about to say something more when his phone suddenly rang. He took it out of his pocket and checked the contact. ''Oh, it's Y/n! It's probably time to pick her up from her cram school. I'll see you later, yeah?''

Takemichi bid his friend goodbye as he watched him leave to pick up his girlfriend. Chifuyu was doing this well because he had someone on his side. Y/n really was a blessing in Chifuyu's life and Takemichi was glad his friend had found his Hina.

''Yeah,'' Takemichi spoke quietly as he licked his ice-cream again. ''See you in a few years, partner.''

November 18th, 2017 -  1:49 p.m.

Takemichi opened his eyes to find himself back in the rental store he worked at in the future. It's 2017, he thought as he checked his phone. I haven't been to the present in so long.

After the initial shock of realizing he no longer worked at the rental store and an unfamiliar man picking him up with a very expensive car, Takemichi was starting to realize this future was much different than his previous ones. He was brought to a big building where he started to realize his old school friends were now working for him.

And when he was brought to the penthouse, in which a few men were hanging around, he noticed a black haired man wearing a suit standing in front of the window. ''Answer your phone, Takemichi.'' As the man turned, Takemichi finally realized who it was.

''Chifuyu?!'' A relieved smile took over Takemichi's face. ''Chifuyu, thank God! I got no clue what's goin' on here.''

''Huh? The hell're you talking about?'' Chifuyu spoke in confusion, causing Takemichi's smile to drop. ''We got an admin meeting . . . let's go.''

''Huh?'' Takemichi was becoming more confused by the second. ''Admin meeting? Who does? What admins?''

''. . .'' Chifuyu smiled awkwardly at him. ''C'mon, partner! Who else but you? The Tokyo Manji Gang's top admin, Takemichi Hanagaki.''

Takemichi's eyes widened at the confirmation. ''I'm a Toman admin now?!''

November 18th, 2017 -  2:31 p.m.

After having changed in a more appropriate clothing for a meeting, Takemichi found himself in Chifuyu's car as he drove them to the admin meeting. Takemichi was still in shock about the fact that he was a Toman admin and, apparently, in his own words, 'rich as fuck'. Chifuyu looked different, no longer having his bleached hair, but he seemed to be doing well. He remembered the Chifuyu he saw earlier in the day.

''So,'' Takemichi started speaking. ''How's life?''

Chifuyu furrowed his eyebrows, but didn't look away from the road. ''Takemichi, we see each other almost every day.''

''We do? Oh, uh, yeah, of course we do, sorry.'' Takemichi laughed awkwardly, looking out of the window in embarrassment. ''How's Y/n?''

Takemichi flew forward as Chifuyu came to a sudden halt, the belts doing their job of catching the two men from flying through the windshield. Takemichi yelped as he put his hands in front of him, holding onto the dashboard and breathing heavily. A few cars started honking at Chifuyu's sudden halt, but quickly circled around him to catch the green light.

With wide eyes, Takemichi looked towards his friend. ''Chifuyu, what-''

''Takemichi,'' Chifuyu spoke in a low, almost sad voice. ''What are you talking about?''

''What?'' Takemichi asked in confusion. ''What do you mean? Is something wrong with Y/n?''

''Did you hit your hear or something? Should we have someone look over you before the meeting?'' Chifuyu asked in concern.

''Chifuyu,'' Takemichi spoke again, dread starting to fill him. ''What happened to Y/n?''

November 18th, 2017 -  2:48 p.m.

''Y/n died twelve years ago,'' Chifuyu explained, causing Takemichi's eyes to widen. ''We still don't know who exactly it was, but a rival gang got to her - stabbed seventeen times. Word was it was because they found out she was related to me and Baji.''

L/n Y/n
November 27th 2005
A shining star, forever in our hearts.

''We found her too late,'' Chifuyu spoke in a small voice as the two men stood in front of the gray tombstone. Takemichi took a look at his friend, noticing a single tear fall down his cheek. ''It was such a scary sight. I'll never forget it. Her eyes were wide open and you could see the fear in them. There were no traces, no way to know who did it. Just one message - 'For Kazutora'.''

Takemichi closed his eyes, trying the banish the description out of his mind - he couldn't even begin to imagine how Chifuyu managed to live through such sight. '''For Kazutoa'? Wouldn't it have been someone from Walhalla, then?'' asked Takemichi asked, trying to put the pieces together.

Chifuyu shook his head. ''All of them had solid alibis, proven by the police. They closed the case soon enough.''

Takemichi took a deep breath. That couldn't be possible. There had to be a whole in the story, who would want Y/n dead so bad that they stabbed her seventeen times?

''Chifuyu, maybe-''

Chifuyu's phone buzzed in his pocket and he signaled to Chifuyu to wait. Picking up the call, Chifuyu talked for a moment before pocketing his phone. ''The meeting is starting soon, we should go.''

Takemichi opened his mouth, as if he was going to continue talking, but closed it and nodded. He started making his way back towards the exit of the cemetery, but when he didn't hear Chifuyu's shoes hit the ground behind him, he turned around and noticed Chifuyu still standing in front of the grave, his bangs covering his eyes and his teeth clenched.

Clenching his fist, Takemichi decided he had a new goal in mind - find out what happened to L/n Y/n twelve years ago.

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