20 | early bird

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hey besties just fyi i have nothing against kaguya it's just for the plot lmao

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October 3rd, 2005 - 7:21 a.m.

Chifuyu's mother couldn't help but stare at her son in confusion as he walked in the kitchen at just a few minutes after seven in the morning, already dressed up and with his backpack slung over his shoulder. No one could blame her, really - Chifuyu was usually out the door fifteen minutes before school starts and is running late. That, however, was not the case this time.

''You're up early, I haven't even finished your lunch,'' his mother spoke as she continued packing her son's lunch, picking up the pace so he doesn't have to wait as long.

''Uh, yeah,'' Chifuyu said as he sat down on the table to eat breakfast, though his eyes stayed strained on the window. It was as if he was waiting for someone, which was weird. The only one he could possibly be waiting for is Baji, but the boy is usually even later than Chifuyu.

''Any reason?'' his mother asked as she wrapped his lunch box in a cloth and put it on the table in front of him, startling him slightly.

He faced his mother and shrugged. ''I mean, sort of, I guess.''

Now she was curious. She watched as he ate his breakfast and sat down across from him, her arms crossed on the table. ''So? You gonna tell me or what?''

Chifuyu looked up from his food, swallowing loudly. ''I'm just gonna walk to school with someone, nothing big.''

She noticed the small smile playing on her son's lips. ''Oh? Someone special?''

''I guess so.''

She wanted to pry more, wanted to find out who exactly got her son acting so aloof. Before she could, however, she was startled by the scraping sounds of a chair. Chifuyu stood up, his eyes once again strained on the window.

''Shit, I got to go. Bye, Mom, thanks for the lunch!'' He picked up his bag and rushed towards the door to put on his shoes.

''Hey, no swearing, Chifuyu!'' She wasn't sure if he heard her, as he was out of the door like a flash. She shook her head with a smile and turned around to look out of the window, seeing Chifuyu run up to a girl who she knew lived in the other building. The L/n's daughter, she recognized her.

''I see how it is, Chifuyu,'' she laughed to herself, understanding how whipped her son must be to wake up a whole hour earlier to go to school.

October 3rd, 2005 - 7:32 a.m.


Y/n looked up from her planner, seeing Chifuyu running over the street and waving at her. He sported a massive grin as he ran and she wondered what got him in such a good mood.

''Good morning,'' Y/n greeted back, keeping her finger between the pages of the planner as she closed it so she could pay attention to Chifuyu. ''You're out early?'' It came out as more of a question than a statement, but the only times she could walk with Chifuyu was if she was late or if there was no morning student council meeting.

''Yeah, I wanted to walk to school with you,'' Chifuyu said and Y/n felt her ears warm up, but she tried now to show him how flustered she felt.

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