14 | not a date

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August 31st, 2005 - 12:12 p.m.

''Go to a festival?'' Chifuyu asked, his eyebrow quirked. When he noticed Draken was calling him, he didn't expect to be invited to a festival. ''That's random. What's the occasion?''

''Emma wants to go and then I remembered you and that girl you like,'' Draken said, followed by a chuckle. ''So I thought I would ask you to come as well.''

Dude, Draken, you're an idiot, Chifuyu said, face-palming at his friend's density. ''I'll ask Y/n and see. Thanks for the invite, man.''

''Yeah, sure.''

The call ended and Chifuyu went to his recent calls, his finger hovering over the call button. It's not like this is a date, right? Draken and Emma will be there so we'll be third wheeling, so it's okay.

Before he could press the button, the doorbell rang, waking up the two sleeping cats laying on Chifuyu's bed. He sighed, closing his phone and putting it in his pocket as he made his way to the door. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling me I shouldn't invite her and just let Draken and Emma go alone.

The universe seemed to work in weird ways as when Chifuyu opened the door, Y/n stood there with Shin the cat in her arms. Well, damn.

''Hi,'' Y/n said as the cat meowed as a greeting. ''Sorry for dropping by unannounced. Shin seemed lonely at my house so I brought him over.''

Chifuyu shook his head. ''No problem, leave him here,'' he said, hearing a meow and looking down to see Mei staring up at her brother. Shin jumped down from Y/n's arms and towards his sister, the two of them play-fighting as Peke J sat on the side and watched them.

The two teenagers couldn't help but snort at the scene. ''I'll be heading back, then.'' Y/n gave him a wave as she turned around to go back to her apartment.

''Wait, Y/n!'' Chifuyu called, causing the girl to stop and furrow her eyebrows at him. C'mon, Chifuyu. It's not a date . . . sadly. ''Uhm, one of my friends - the one that got stabbed? He invited me to go with him and another friend to a festival later today . . . And I was wondering if you wanted to come with me? I don't want to third-wheel, you know?''

Is he . . . asking me out? Y/n felt her cheeks warm up at the thought and she cincerly hoped he didn't notice her flustered state. ''I . . . uh, yeah, sure. I'll come along. No problem, yeah.''

Oh, God. ''That's great! I'll come pick you up at around six, yeah?''

''Yup. See you then.''

August 31st, 2005 - 5:58 p.m.

He wasn't sure why he was so nervous. This wasn't the first time he was going to hang out with her and they wouldn't even be alone - so, what was going on with his heart? Why was it beating so fast?

In manga there's usually kiss scenes during firework shows. That's what's been circling his mind this whole time.

Checking his phone, he realized there was still one more minute until six o'clock. One more minute and he was finally going to call her and tell her he was downstairs. He's been here for at least ten minutes now, but he didn't want to rush her, he was just a bit too excited.

I should really stop thinking like my life is a manga or something.

''Chifuyu?'' He looked up, seeing that Y/n was already standing in front of him. His eyes quickly looked her up and down. She was dressed a bit more formal than she usually does and he couldn't help but gulp. Did she take this as a date? ''Chifuyu? Why didn't you call me if you arrived earlier?''

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