Rivals 4

348 11 4

"Hello, Ackerman." My heart is starting to beat. 5mil was already in here before Levi joined. So now that Levi joined more people joined in.

Levi looked like he was enjoying his defeat. People started to spam in the chat our names,



"Holy fuck this is sick!"

"Levi and Eren make a cute couple."

"Cute couple? What do you say Eren? Want to be together?" He says winking at me.

Soon Ray comes upstairs and says. "He has a boyfriend." Ray walks to the camera and turns my head to him and kisses me deeply. I kiss him back without hesitating. I can feel my cheeks getting red and I can feel me gasping for air.

Soon Ray lets go of my face and I turn back to everyone on the stream. Levi looked dumbfounded and everyone said.




"Levi, kiss someone in front of Eren!"

Levi read some of the comments and started to chuckle. "What's funny?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing. But, we should keep this live going for 23 hours." He says smiling,

"23 hours? Levi are you crazy? I have things to do."

"Me too, guess we can do it all on live."

"What if I need to go pee," I ask.

"Take us with you." People said.

"Wow, you guys want to hear me pee?" I say laughing.

"YES! Were not joking!"

I smile and then look at Levi. "23 hours."

"23 hours. If the live ends because of connection we will keep making lives okay?" He said getting up from his seat.


Soon Ray gets up and tells me he has to go. He gives me another kiss and leaves. Levi was talking to his fans and I was talking to mines. Soon Mikasa came into my room and asked if she is a part of the live. I asked my fans if they wanted to see Mikasa do weird things that she does of lives.


"Mikasa marry me."

"Yo Eren can I date your sister?"

"Mikasa, you want a boyfriend?" I ask.

"No-" She says laughing.

"She said no guys"


Levi was reading the comments and was chuckling. Then he got up and took his phone with him. "I'm getting tired." He says placing his phone on his bedside table. He puts something behind his phone so his phone can stay still.

"It's only 9, you sleep early," I say watching Levi place his phone down.

"Shut up, when you're busy like me you get tired," He says laying in his bed.

"No, I think your just a grumpy old man," I say getting up.

I read the comments.

"We get to watch Levi sleep."

"Eren is still 1st rank." I pinned their comment.


"Well, goodnight guys," Levi says closing his eyes.

"Night." Some people say.

"Don't wake back up." Another person says.

"Guy's that's not nice." Someone says.

"Well while Levi is sleep, what should we do?"

"We wanna watch you sleep or eat."

"I want to watch Levi sleep."

"I wonder if Levi snores.."

"I wonder if Levi snores too," I say laughing.

Levi then points the middle finger at me and turns toward his phone. " I don't snore." He says giving a semi-smile.

"Guess we will have to see," I say leaving out my room.

I see my dad who fell asleep on the couch. 'Shit I forgot about my dad. He's gonna yell at me while I'm on live.' I think to myself.

'Oh, that's why he wanted to do a 23 hour live. Just so he can show everyone my true life.'

I shake my head at the sleeping boy. "He sleeps fast huh?" I say walking down the steps quietly.

"Yes, he does."

"Where did Mikasa go?"

"Mikasa? I forgot about her- I think she's downstairs in the kitchen." I say walking over to the kitchen.

I flip my camera to show Mikasa who was eating. "EREN STOP THERE GONNA THINK IM A FATTY." She say's hiding the food.

"Mikasa quiet down," I say pointing to dad.

"Oh sorry." She says quietly.

"Your not fat Mikasa."

"Eat as much as you want girl."

Mikasa smiled then patted a seat for me to sit down. "Levi went to sleep already?" She asked sharing some of her food.

"Yeah, boring," I say mocking him.

"Very." Mikasa then starts to yawn.

"I thought you were gonna stay awake and show your weird moves off," I say nudging Mikasa.

I place my phone down even tho it's dark they can't really see us. "I'll try." She says finishing her grapes.

Soon I look at Levi. He's sleeping so peacefully. Why is he so cute... Hopefully, Ray isn't watching this because...

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