Rivals 11

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It's been 10 days. 4 more days until the tour. We already got everything ready. Now we have to let our fans know we're back in business. 

Eren Yeager: GUYS GUYS GUYS! We are back, it hasn't been a month be we decided to do this tour again with a new song. We are so hyped to see you guys again! We will be doing a live tomorrow! Goodnight!

Levi Ackerman: Eren and I are going on the tour! We love you guys! Thank you for supporting our decision to team up. Night!

Levi and I are both in the same bed looking at the retweets, everyone is so hyped and said they are gonna buy their tickets again. Were glad to see our fans hyped again. Soon we get a retweet from rank one. 

Rank1: Duos? How cute. Mad because I am rank 1 huh? 

I laugh and decided to ignore it. Levi was gonna say something but he should just ignore it. There's no point. We will get our ranks up higher than his.. We made 3 new songs all in 2 and a half weeks. Everyone thinks we only have one song ready to go but we have 2 new ones. 

"Are you ready for our live tomorrow?" I ask Levi.

"Yes. They're gonna say stuff like "OMG THEY ARE IN THE SAME HOUSE RIGHT NOW." I can feel it" Levi says smiling.

"We should also announce something else too."

"Announce what?" Levi acts confused.

"Nevermind, I was thinking about something else." I lie.

"Okay! Well, let's go to bed." Levi says pulling the covers over us.

I cuddle with Levi. It's normal for us to cuddle ever since I moved in here. I wonder if Levi likes me or just likes the cuddles. Guess we will find out tomorrow. 

Levi's POV

The next morning I wake up to Eren sleeping wild like always. I kiss his forehead before fully getting up. I then put my pants and shirt on before going into the kitchen. I wash my hands and start to prepare breakfast. I make Eren's favorite which is pancakes. I only knew that because I use to stalk him before I became famous. Crazy how he was my idol then he became my rival... THEN HE BECAME SOMEONE I LOVE TO DEATH. 

I smile softly then I hear noises coming from my room. Eren is awake leaving the room to come to the kitchen "What's that yummy smell?" Eren askes as he sits down. 

"Your favorite, pancakes!" I say with an excited tone.

"YAY, thank you, Levi!" Eren smiles. 

I finish the batch and put some on a plate for Eren. I grab the bacon and place it on the plate for him too. I then give him a knife and fork with syrup. "You're like wifey material," Eren says cutting his pancakes.

"Oh?" I say with a smirk.

He doesn't notice it. "Yeah!" He says before pouring syrup on his pancakes.

I finish the other batches and make a plate for myself. Eren wanted seconds which was good because I kinda made a lot. As I cut my pancakes Hanji and Erwin come down to eat too. Sometimes I forget they live with me too, they been upstairs everyday since last month. Weird. 

I eat my pancakes and Eren, Hanji, and Erwin all have a conversation. I zone them out thinking about seeing our fans on the tour in now 3 days. Soon I finish my plate and grab everyone else's plate. I start to wash the dishes then Eren goes behind me. "What are you doing Eren?"

"Just watching you do the dishes." He says putting his head on my back.

"Behind me?" I ask blushing softly.

"Yeah, problem?" He askes.

"Nope." I say.

I continue to finish washing the dishes then Eren gets off of me. He then walks over to the couch and lays back. "So, do you want to do a quick practice?" He askes looking out the window.

"Sure." I say feeling confident. 

We practiced for about an hour. Soon I went upstairs to check up on Hanji and Erwin. All i could hear was Hanji yelling at Erwin for some odd reason. I listen in more. "He's not gonna like how its messy in here." Hanji says.

Messy? I was going to open up the door until Erwin spoke. "Sorry Hanji, just this wrapping is so hard." He says.

I back away from the door. What are those two brats planning. Sighs. I go back downstairs to the sleeping boy whos on the couch. I left for like 5 minutes and he's already sleep. I pick home up and take him into my bedroom. I lay him down and pull the covers over him. I then go to my office and look at the tweets. 

RandomPerson: So Eren and Levi, whens the live?

'Oh yeah i forgot about the live. Ill do it when Eren wakes up.' I say to myself. I continue to read all the tweets on how they are so excited. On Instagram my messages were blowing up about the tour. My picture with Eren I posted 4 days ago got a lot of likes. It was me and Eren at the park doing weird things. (AND NO NOT THAT TYPE OF WEIRD THINGS)

I go back to my room and get in the bed with Eren. I yawn then the next thing you know it, I fall asleep.

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