Rivals 19

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A year and a half later.


It's been a year since Eren proposed. Honestly, we didn't know when we were actually going to get married but that's until Eren came up with the best idea. Why don't we get married on my birthday. My birthday is in 3 days and we still have so much to do.

"Sorry Levi, I just wanted more people to come." He says looking at me. He then gasps. "WHAT IF WE ADDED OUR FANS TO THE LIST. It's of course gonna cost money for them to come but you know." He says thinking that idea was good.

"Eren..." I pause. "THAT'S THE STUPIDEST IDEA I'VE EVER HEARD, BRAT." I have been a little rough on Eren but I just want it to be perfect. 

"Please, it's gonna be fun!" He says rubbing my head.

Even though I didn't want to sometimes I feel like he's manipulating me. "FINE." 

"YAY!" He kisses my cheek. He opens up his computer and types in his password. "I'm going to get someone to make the passes okay?" 

"Okay, Eren. Also. We have to go to place." I say flipping through papers.

"What place?" He askes.

"Where were getting married."

"Oh yeah, shit I need to remind Armin and Mikasa to help plan the foods." Eren picks up his phone and starts to text.

I start to think we are very late planners. I can tell Eren was becoming stressed. I wanted to help but Eren was always good at planning, I was only good at thinking straight. Like not adding Petra. 

It's very much too late to uninvite her so I will allow her to come.  Now all I need to do is invite some of my people. Hanji and Erwin were already coming. But I don't have many people that I\ know. I only stuck with Hanji, Erwin, and the one that I loved most. 

"Eren, I'm online inviting 2 people from my side," I say honestly.

"Levi... Come on, I know you can add more people." He says putting his phone down.

"Maybe, can I just invite Isabel and Furlan?" I ask. 

"Well, at least you have 4 people coming now." He says smiling.

I nod and sip my tea. I then watch Eren as he continues to get someone to make a ticket. "FINALLY." He cheers.

"You're done?"

"Yep, got it all covered. Now what?" He askes.

"Now, I want to tell you, you're getting my last name?" I say sternly.

"But why?" He frowns.

"Are you saying my last name is bad?"

"NO NO." 

"Mhm, Eren Ackerman sounds so much better honestly," I say smiling. "Levi Yeager sounds bad." 

"You're calling my last name bad?" 

"Yep," I respond.


"I still love you though." I chuckle.

"I love you too meanie." He says.

"Well. I'm sleepy. Let's head to bed." I say getting up. I pull Eren up and he follows behind me. I change out of my clothes and lay in bed waiting for Eren.

He does the same and lays in bed next to me. I pull the covers over us. "2 more days." I say cuddling onto Eren.

"I cant wait." He says holding me. "Night Levi."

I cuddle him tighter as a response. Then we fall asleep. 

() () ()

The next morning we wake up super early and get dressed. We eat then get into the car. We drive for one hour to the place. It was really pretty and already decorated. We get out of the car and greet the people who are gonna show us around and help us out a bit. Eren waits for Armin and Mikasa.

When they arrive we head over to the food area to start off. We taste test all of the good foods. We didn't know which one we wanted so we decided to just keep all of them and pay extra. A lot of macaroni, rice, seafood, barbecue and all that good stuff. 

We walk around and look at the seats and where we will be getting married. Then i stopped. "We need suits," I say forgetting.

"Erwin can help," Eren says.

"Oh yeah, forgot he always has suits with him," I say scratching my head. "Carry on." 

We continue to walk around. I love this place a lot. Outside there was a nice walk away full of things to do. There was another building where the slow dancing would be at. When we were done with the tour we said goodbye and drove back home. "So, what did you think?" I asked Eren.

"It was perfect." 

The ride was nice. When we got home I immediately went into Erwins room. "What's up Levi?"

"Suits." I say leaning on the wall." 

"I got you, ill get them to you by tomorrow alright?" 

"Thanks Erwin." 

Eren's POV

Mikasa and Armin text me letting me know they have there outfits ready. Sasha Connie, and Jean on the other hand I don't know what about them. I guess ill ask. I make a quick groupchat.

Me: Guy's do you have your outfits ready?

Sasha: Oh yeah, i do. I don't know about Connie and Jean.

Me: Connie and Jean?

Jean: Uh, i don't... Ill go out now and get one.

Connie: Me too.

Me: Good, make sure you get a Midnight colored one okay?

Connie and Jean: Got it!

I put my phone down and relax. I want to surprise Levi on his birthday with a honeymoon. Of course you need a honeymoon. But Levi seemed to forgot. I don't blame him, i almosted forgot. 'Okay Eren, think back when Levi said he always want to go somewhere, but where.' I thought to myself. After awhile of thinking i got it. "BORA BORA" 

"Bora bora? Why did you say that?" Levi said walking into the room.

"Oh, just a game on my phone asking a question." 

"Oh did you get it right?" 

"YEP!" I say smiling. 

"Welp, I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up at 5, okay Eren?" 

"Okay Levi." I say not paying attention.

He kisses me on the cheek. He lays in bed and quickly falls asleep. 'That was fast.' I make my way out of the room and pick up my computer. I booked Levi and I a flight to Bora Bora. I was so excited. 

Soon I get a call from a unknown number. I pick it up.

"Hello, Eren Yeager is here." I say holding the phone up to my ear.

"My boy..."

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