Rivals 16

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"Let's do this meet and greet!" Levi turned still clinging onto me. He held onto me tightly. He's so warm I love it!

I get up and start to leave the stage. I could still hear people "AWES" Which continued to make me smile. I decided to keep Levi in my arms. I opened the door for the people who had backstage passes. I decided for them to go first. People met the people they wanted to see, most of them wanted to see me and Levi which made me happy a lot. 

Petra was giving weird looks and wasn't paying attention to her fans whatsoever. Even if I didn't make the first rank, I would still pay attention to my fans. Without them, I would be nothing. 

"Eren, what did you mean by "Saved me when I was on my last breath," Someone asked.

"Well, let's just say I had problems at home and Levi saved me from passing away," I say holding Levi's waist. 

"Aw, cute!" 

About 3 hours pass, we met a lot of people. It was then time for us to go back home and rest. We still had 2 more tours to go.

We dropped everyone back off home Levi, Erwin, Hanji, and me went back to our place. Everyone was so happy for us. Nobody will be catching up to me and Levi for awhile, our numbers just go higher and higher nonstop. Soon I carried Levi into the house and ran inside of our room. 

Then... We made passionate love to each other. I wanted to keep going but we both got tired and fell asleep. 

The next day Levi wakes me up for us to pack. We were going to to L.A.  We drove and drove for a very long time, we of course took my friends again. 

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Yes this was short because I'm gonna fast-forward very far from now.

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