Rivals 21

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Levi's POV

SHIT EREN DIDN'T WAKE ME UP. I look at the time. It's already the next day. How did we sleep for that long. I push Eren to wake him up. He rolls off the bed. "LEVI WHAT THE H-"



I pick up my phone and check my messages. One message from Erwin.

I left your suits in your bathroom.

"Thank god," I say to myself. I go into the bathroom and check the suits. "Perfect. Eren comes here." 

Eren comes in. "Those are ours?"

"Yep, try them on after your shower," I say before leaving out the bathroom. He turns the shower on. 

I look at my tweets. Then I decided to tweet.

Levi Ackerman: Hello, Eren and I will be posting some tickets. FOR OUR WEDDING. Yes, it will cost a lot to be at out wedding. Get them fast before they are sold out.

Random: OMG WE GET TO GO!??!


I grab Eren's computer and post the tickets on our website. I then tweet again the link to the tickets. I let Eren know and he was fine with it. Once Eren was done I got into the shower and washed my self quickly. When I was done I got out and dried off. I tried on my suit. "Good." I say to myself. I take the suit back off and put on my relaxing clothes. 

Someone calls my phone and I pick it up.


"Hello, is this Levi Ackerman?" A guy from the other side asked.

"Yeah this is, whos asking?"

"Perfect, we are gonna start decorating the rooms." 

"Ah okay." I hanged up. "Eren, they are starting to decorate the room for our wedding."

"Good. What do we do now?" He asked.

"Now we relax I guess." I say unsure.

I sit down next to Eren. "Oh yeah Levi, can my father come to the wedding?" He asked without looking at me.

"Eren why."

"He changed I can tell." 

I didn't want to argue or kill his mood so I decided to just say, "Fine, but if he fucks up he's out." I say folding my arms. 

Eren nods then continues to type on his computer. I watch him for awhile and the time starts to go by quickly.

"EREN WE NEED YOUR HELP." Hanji yelled from upstairs. 

"COMING." Eren said running from his chair to go upstairs.

I watch Eren run and sigh. 'Him too now? Doing weird things in that room.' 

Eren's POV

"What's up?" I asked.

"We need to decorate this but we don't know how." Hanji said scratching their head.

"Sure." I grab the decorations and decorated. 

Little did I know on how long it took me. "This took forever." Erwin said sweating. 

"Why are you sweating, you didnt do nothing." Hanji said in a teasing voice.

"Shush." He said. 

"Alright, it's late now, I should go to bed." 

"Right, bring him here before you go to the airport tomorrow." 

"Got it."

I leave the room and go downstairs. Levi was sitting on the chair pasted out. I pick him up and walk him into the room. I laid him onto the bed then laid next to him. He immedaintly cuddles with me and we fall asleep. 

() () () 

Next morning. 

"Eren, if you don't wake up right now I swear I will slap you silly." Levi said pushing me side to side.

"OK IM UP," I look outside the window. It was very early in the morning. I get up to see Eren already looking fresh. "Guess ill take my shower."

I get into the shower and take a nice long steaming hot shower. I washed up normally and then got out. I dried myself on and put on some nice clothes. I grabbed my suit and put it on my shoulder. 

"So, Hanji and Erwin are already there. So as your friends." Levi says looking down at his phone.

"Good, lets go." I say putting on my shoes. I grab my phone and charger. I forgot that we needed to pack so i decided ill tell him to pack when we get back home.

We get into the car and drive. I yawn but then drink the coffee i made. Levi is happy but is trying to hide it i don't know why. Oh well, he's a mystery. We make it and I greet everyone. "Fuck me, i forgot i need to tell my dad he can come." I get my phone out and text my dad quickly.

Me: Dad you can come. Here's the link.

Dad: Thank you!

I like his message then follow Mikasa and Armin to where Connie, Jean, and Sasha were. I greeted them. After we decided to look around the place while we wait for more people to arrive. Time was going by slow i was so eager just to marry Levi. 

I haven't seen Levi since then, we been dodging each other trying not to see each other until the ceremony starts. Finally the time has came to start getting ready.

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