Rivals 8

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"Let's do it," I said looking at Levi through my phone.

"Okay. So should we stop with this live or continue?" Levi asked everyone.

"Stop live and go make a new song NOW." people said. 

I nodded and said bye and ended the live leaving people confused and tweets started to go pop up. Nonstop people were starting rumors. "EREN YEAGER, GET DOWN HERE NOW." My dad yelled.

I run downstairs to see hatred in my father's eyes. "So your now 2nd place. Not only that you have a new rival." My dad said walking up to me.  He slapped me knocking me down to the ground. "You can't do anything right can you?" My dad asked getting angrier.

Soon Mikasa comes down at the wrong time. "Eren you're teaming up with Levi?" She said. She then paused and said "Fuck.." 

My dad turned back to me and started to punch me in the face. "YOUR TEAMING WITH YOUR 2ND RIVAL? ARE YOU DUMB?" 

Mikasa ran upstairs and left me to get beat up. I don't blame her though... 

"SPEAK UP." My dad says as he continues to hit me. 

"I-If I team up with Levi I can get us more money and we will be at rank 1," I say with tears rolling down my face.

My dad gets up and poor stuff over me. He then got his smoke ashes and forced me to open up my mouth. He pours it in my mouth causing me to swallow and my eyes get watery than before. I choke then run upstairs. I shut my door and fall to the ground. I try to cough the ashes all up but it didn't work. My dad comes upstairs and yells at me for slamming my door. He punches me one more time causing me to get knocked out.

Levi's POV

I'm on my way to Eren's house. He gave me his address before we ended the live. I start to blush when I was thinking about Eren sleeping. He's so cute it makes me want to pi- LEVI CUT IT OUT. He has a boyfriend. 

I make it to his house and knock on the door for his sister to open the door. "Levi? What are you doing her?" She asked.

"Im gonna start our new song with Eren." I said.

"Uh.. Okay, come in, he's in his room." She said stepping aside. 

She gave me a "help" look which made me concern. I find his room quickly only because during the live he walked like for a minute so I knew his room was far ish. 

There house is pretty clean I guess. Not as clean as mines though. I open his door to see Eren laying on the ground. I was shocked. I yelled Eren's name before getting on my knees to try and help him. I look at his face. He looked pretty pale. 

I put my ear to his heart. "Still beating but slowly.." I freak out and make him lean back on his wall. I look through his bathroom for medical supplies or anything else to stop the bleeding. I then find a wrap bandage. I wrap it around his head then his arms tightly to stop the bleeding. 

I look at him. He's giving up. What is making him look more pale... He coughs a little and ashes come out of his mouth. I stand up and without hesitation i run all the way downstairs and look for a cup. I find one then get stopped from going back upstairs. 

"Why are you here?" 

This must be Eren's father. "Get out of my way. You abused your son and now I'm trying to save him so you wont have to regret feeling of your own son passing away because of you. You need serious help." I push thew him and run back upstairs.

 I run into his bathroom and pour water into the cup. I look for gloves then once i find them I go over to Eren and open his mouth. I place the cup beside me and put on the gloves quickly. I hold his mouth open getting all the ashes out. "So much... How could anyone do this to Eren.. He's so.. He's so precious." I say out loud. 

He must've heard me because he opened his eyes slowly. I didn't notice until i was done getting all the ashes out of his mouth. I take the gloves off and put on a new pair of gloves. I put my hands into the cup of water and dab it around his mouth and tongue to get the extra ashes out. 

I look into his eyes. His eyes are red he looks even more pale. I stress out when he starts to close his eyes again. "Stay with me Eren please." I say again. He trys to open up his eyes but they close tightly. 

'His father mustve made him swallow it.' I hit the floor with my hand spilling over the water. I take the gloves off and pick Eren up. He's not that heavy I'm surprised. I walk slowly down the steps trying not to fall. Mikasa and Eren's dad watch me as i carry him away from their house. 

I run back to my house carefully. I checked his pulse every 5 seconds making sure he was still okay. I then see Ray, Eren's boyfriend sitting down on the bench. He was with some girl. I knew it was him when he turned my way. He then turned away and kissed the female. I was mad and irritated at Ray for cheating on Eren. I couldn't worry about that though. 

When i made it back i kicked open my door and laid him on the couch. I call for one of my maids to help me. 

"Please help me." I say frowning. 

"What happened?" She asked.

"His father made him swallow ashes.. I got the ashes out but there's still some in his throat. What do i do..?" 

She studies Eren carefully and looking at the bandages on him. "Rest. He needs rest." She says getting up.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Let's take him to one of the bedrooms. He needs to be relaxed." She says starting to pick him up.

"Your strong." I say.

"Thank you, sir." She walks away with Eren in her arms. She lay's Eren down on my bed. 

She then bows down and leaves the room. I walk back and forth until Eren moves. "L-Levi.. Thank you so much for saving me." He says quietly. 

I walk up to him and cover his mouth. "Dont speak... It's not good to speak after having ashes go down your throat." I say. 

He mumbles then finally stops. He looks me in the eye. His eyes were lazy and he still looked pale. I removed my hand from his mouth then sat next to him. I then rubbed his messy hair as he continued to watch me. "Eren... Your living with me okay? I cant let that horrible father of yours do that to you ever again." I say meeting his gaze.

Tears fall from his eyes as he nods his head slowly. He then closes his eyes. I check one more time for his heartbeat. "Still good. Sleep well..." I say before getting up. 

I leave my house to go back to Eren's home. I open the unlocked door and go up to his room. I grab some of his clothes and his phone and computer. I then put it in a bag and walk downstairs. Mikasa then grabs onto my arm. "Take care of him okay...?" She says with tears in her eyes.

"Do you want to stay with me...?" I ask.

"... Ill visit... But i have to make sure my dad get's help." She says toughening up.

"Okay... Bye." I say walking out the door. 

She waves goodbye. I walk all the way back to my house praying no fans saw me which nobody didn't. I walk back into my house to see Hanji, and Erwin.

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