Rivals 7

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I give Levi his phone back and run quickly down the street all the way back home. A tear drops from my face. Shit, this may ruin my career. I moan as I continue to run faster and faster. I then trip and fall. 'Shit I think I just twisted my ankle.' I say to myself. 

I get back up in pain and limp/run back home. I make it and open the door. I run upstairs to my room and grab my phone. Levi was still walking back home but had a stupid look on his face. People were asking how I got home so fast and why my dad said I was a disgrace. 

"Don't worry gu-"

"Eren your back. Now go clean the shit you made." My dad slaps my head and I fall to the ground. 

"Yes sir," I say. 

I run downstairs with my phone and clean up the mess I didn't make. I read the comments of people saying my dad was abusive and all that shit. I roll my eyes then give them a smile. "It's normal to get hit in the back of the head for making a mess and not picking it up," I say trying to make it seem like my dad isn't a bad person. 

"It's not normal."

"Eh, but calling you a disgrace was out of pocket." 

Levi then try's to change the subject. "Guy's what should be and Eren do on this live so it's not boring? 17 more hours left."

"You guys should place games together or something."

"Sing a song together." 

"Eren let's sing a song together."

"Uh, okay. But hold on." I say leaving my phone downstairs. 

I look for my dad. "I'm going out for now." 

"k." He says then shoos me away.

I smile and go back downstairs. I leave my house with my wallet and phone. "Okay, what should we sing guys?" I ask.

"Sing let it go." Someone said.

"Let it go?" Levi says laughing. "Okay let it go it is." 

"Weird song choice but okay!"

Levi was still walking back home and I decided to chill at the park. I sat down and started singing. Levi joined in making our vocals match and sound good together. Our tone was perfect causing them to spam "EREN AND LEVI" In the chat. 

We then finished the song and we decided to sing more songs together. I was starting to enjoy singing with Levi. 

Soon I started to walk to the same starbucks Levi went to and get me a Carmel Frappe. Levi decided to stay outside for now. We forgot about our work which will be a pain in the ass when we do it. 

Soon I start getting messages from my friends telling me that Levi and me just went down in our rank. I pause. "Guy's check me and Levi's rank real quick." I say to everyone in the comments.

People checked and came back. "Eren is in second and Levi is in third." People were saying.

Me and Levi both gasped and said at the same time. "Who the fuck is stealing our spotlight." 

I run back home and passed my dad and Mikasa and go to my computer. I check to see who's in first. "It's the same guy who tweeted he wanted to get higher." I say to Levi.

"Fuck, how did he do it?" Levi asked.

"... He posted 4 new songs and they were a hit some how." I pause and continue to read his tweets. "He's trying to bring us down." I say getting annoyed.

"Well what do we do guys?" Levi asked.

"Become a duo." people kept saying over and over.

"We cant do that, were rivals." I said.

"What if.. were not rivals anymore? Me and you beating whoever this guy is in front of us." Levi said before taking another sip of his Ice Tea.

i think about how my dad would be furious. But if I convinced him we would get payed a lot he wouldn't be so mad.. Right?

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