Rivals 18

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Levi's POV

The next morning I get up and wash my face and brush my teeth. I walk back into the room then I look at the ring that Eren used to propose to me. I smiled widely and got excited. "I'm marrying Eren!" I say out loud. Maybe a little too loud because Eren turned over to look at me.

"Aw look how cute my wife is when he's excited." He says in his morning voice. It's soft but also deep and it makes him sound hot.

"Sh- Shut up," I say blushing. 

"Come here," Eren says pulling his arms out.

I get onto the bed and cuddle Eren. "Eren, you have morning breath, I don't like it." I say as a teasing joke. 

"Shut up." He says moving away from me. He gets up and walks into the bathroom. He brushes his teeth normally then gets back in bed. "There you happy?" 

"Maybe," I said shivering. "You made me feel cold without you." I pout. 

"You're so cute," Eren says getting back into the bed. I couldn't help but get on top of him. "How excited are you to be mine forever?" He asked.

"Super-duper excited." I smile. I don't really smile often but I couldn't help it. I was so happy that I found true love...

"Hey, Uhm... Levi?" He says after a short amount of time.

"Yes?" I say looking into his eyes.

"Where are your parents?" Eren askes me turning away from me.

I pause then get off of him. I'm not mad at him... It's just I never talked about my parents to anyone. 

"I'm sorry if I offended you." He says with a frown and gets up.

"You didn't. It's just, it's a painful topic for me." I say putting my head down.

"We don't have to talk about it, okay?" Eren says playing with my hair.

"Thank you... Maybe another day." 

"Let's do anything you want to do today," Eren says pulling his shirt off.

"Anything?" I say smiling again.

"Anything." Eren cheers me up quickly.

"Okay, I want to go somewhere fun just me and you. And probably a couple of fans who find us." I say grabbing my phone.

"Where do you want to go?" 

"I want to go out to eat breakfast with you," I say putting my phone back down. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I take my clothes off. "And I want to take a shower with you." I smile.

"Really?" Eren asks surprised. 

I never really liked to take showers with anyone because of my scars but Eren had discovered them and I feel more comfortable with him. I shook my head up and down and he ran into the bathroom excitedly and he took all of his clothes off quickly and ran into the shower. I giggled and got in with him. 

He got both of us wet. "Wash each other?" He asked with a puppy dog look.

"Mmm, Fine," I say turning away from him.

He got more excited and poured soup onto the medium-sized towel I use to wash. He washed my back all the way down to my butt and I giggled while he was washing me. He turned me around to wash the front of my baby and my neck too. He then washed my manhood. When he was done he rinsed me off then it was my turn to wash him.

I did the same to him then rinsed him off. When we were completely done we got out of the shower and dried off. We put on something comfortable. 

"Hanji, Eren, and I will be gone for a while. Keep this place cleaned." (I just realized that when Hanji and Erwin were doing something in that room I never finished that. It will be included into here soon)

"Okay!" She said waving goodbye from upstairs. 

Eren and I get into the car. Eren drives to the place I wanted to have breakfast at. We get to our table and sit down. We look at the menu. Soon people start to come up to us but I don't mind it anymore. I love spending time with Eren and our fans. 

"OMG ERERI, I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I was at your tour yesterday!" She says with excitement.

"Aw, thank you so much!" Eren says giving her a smile.

"Can I take a picture with you guys?"

"Yeah sure come here," I said scooting over. She stands in the middle and poses for the pic while me and Eren just smile. 

"I love the rings!" She said admiring the picture.

"Thank you!" We both say.

"Bye Ereri!" She says leaving.

"She was nice," Eren says continuing to eat.

"Very, but look outside," I say looking out the window. 

"Oh shi-" 

Eren looks at all the fans who are outside. Damn,, she must've posted it and let them know where we are at. We finish more of our food before people rushed up to us. We tried to talk to a lot of them. We then left the restaurant. I look at my tweets while Eren continues to drive somewhere.


Levi Ackerman: Free meet and greet at the beach? I'll give the address out.

"YESSSS PLEASE" People started to tweet.

"Eren we're gonna do a meet and greet at the beach," I say with a smile.

"You sure?" He askes taking a turn.


Levi Ackerman: Here's the address. We won't be there for long so hurry up guys! ###### ## #####

We met so many people and I had the time of my life. Everyone was nice and supported us. We did have fun around the beach and swam with some people. When it was time for me and Eren to go back home we said our goodbyes and got into the car.

"That was fun!" Eren says putting the key in the engine.

"I know! I cant wait till we get married." 

Eren drives back home. We laughed we talked we enjoyed every moment we had. When we got home I couldn't help myself but cling onto Eren. He enjoyed my baby moments. I felt comfortable showing the other side of me to him. And I knew he liked that I did.

The more I cluched onto Eren the more i wanted to make love to Eren Yeager, instead of sex just make love. It's so much better.

And without a doubt we did.

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