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"Well, Greenie how was your day with the slicers?" Newt asked, taking a seat across from him at dinner that evening

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"Well, Greenie how was your day with the slicers?" Newt asked, taking a seat across from him at dinner that evening. Thomas felt his eyes on the hair that was speckled with dirt, and his hand that Ahmad a strong grip on his cup. His eyes were hungry to see every inch of his body, memorize every vein that poked out from his pale skin.

"Terrible." He replied, he almost had no appetite after seeing all of the organs from the pigs and cows from earlier. Newt laughed and picked apart an orange he had on his plate, sweat glistened on his forehead and his neck.

"Yeah, not a lot of people find that job too well." He replied. "Tomorrow will be better, you'll be with Zart and the Track-hoes." Thomas frowned because, what the hell was a Zart? "He's over there." Thomas nodded to a blond boy in a blue shirt talking to a dark skinned girl with dark curly hair. "He's nice enough." He took a bite of his stew and only looked up again when Chuck took a seat next to Thomas. He was a chubby boy with brown hair blue eyes and a flabby looking face.

"Hey Chuckie, how was the Sloppers?" Chuck shrugged and merely spun the stew with his spoon. "Not a very pleasant job." Newt looked at Thomas for a moment, his eyes traveled up and down his upper body before looking back in his own stew. An ear piercing shriek filled the air and Newt's head shot up. He shoveled a few more bites of stew in his mouth before  he abandoned the table with a frustrated huff.

"They can't handle one bloody second without me by their side." He muttered in an irritated voice before he slung his small pack over his shoulder and ran off toward the Homestead favoring his bad leg more than usual.

"What was that?" Thomas asked Chuck, who had just finished his own meal.

"Probably Betty." Chuck replied, his spoon clanking against the sides of his bowl. "She's a runner, got stung the other day in the Maze." He said.

"I thought they Grievers only came out at night." Thomas replied, but Chuck just shrugged keeping his eyes on his plate this obviously wasn't one of his favorite topics.

"Not this time I guess." Thomas lifted his head in the direction that Newt had gone and got to his feet to follow.

"Wait!" Chuck called, a few paces behind Thomas. "You can't go in there!" Thomas ignored him and picked up the pace until he was outside the front door to the Homestead. He pushed the door open and saw a few other Gladers, including the boy he saw in the box with two other girls on each side of him. The boy got to his feet when he saw Thomas in the doorway.

"Where do you think you're going Greenie?" He asked.

"What was that screaming?" He replied, ignoring the question. The boy turned his head to the stairs and then looked back to Thomas.

"Betty." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked, taking a step closer. The two girls stood up next, all three of them blocked the path to the stairs.

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