Chapter 8: Fire's Game

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Toph stood in a steady stance as Aang hid behind a large rock. Everyone prepared to fight, hiding Aang's whereabouts. The Rough Rhinos burst through the trees and stopped in front of them. Somehow, their fire nation clothes were good enough disguises.

Colonel Mongke: Sorry for the interruption, our rhinos aren't very efficent.

Katara: That's fine. We were only going to attack because we thought you were earth benders.

Colonel Mongke: There won't be any earth benders around here. We just wiped out a village.

Sokka: R-r...really?

Colonel Mongke: Yeah. We tried to take this girl who was wanted by the FireLord, but apparently the prince saved her. They disappeared as we chased them and we've been looking for them. Have you seen these two criminals? *rolls out two wanted posters of Kuai and Zuko*

Suki: No, haven't seen them. If we do, we'll try to let you know. Don't want criminals like them roaming our lands.

Colonel Mongke: Thank you. You teenagers are very wise.

Toph: Thank you. You better get back to your search now.

He got back on his komodo-rhino and the group charged away. The entire group pretty much let out a loud sigh. Aang came out from behind the rock.

Aang: Great acting, guys.

Sokka: Well, I dabble.

Toph: We have to find them now. They could be in horrible trouble.

Suki: They could be anywhere by now!

Katara: And then what?

Aang: What do you mean?

Katara: We can't take YOU or APPA, remember?!?!

Aang:....oh, right.....

Toph: Sugar Queen's got a point.

Sokka: Toph, Katara, and I will go searchin for them.

Suki: What do I do?

Sokka: Stay here and protect Aang. You never know who could be plotting an ambush.

Suki: Got it.

Aang: AGH! I hate hiding. I always have.

Sokka: The means of war, Aang.

Suki: I just hope they're alright.

Katara, Toph, and Sokka packed up and started walking, thinking of any possibility of where they could be. Toph could tell that they were no where close. She couldn't feel their vibrations.

*jump to Zuko and Kuai, whom we left in the Cave of Two Lovers.*

They ran where the glowing crystals led, but they fell over when a huge shake happened in the ground and walls of the cave. Almost like an earthquake... but different.

Zuko crawled ontop of Kuai, protecting her from the falling rocks. Ming jumped in front of them, watching the wall crumble down and a giant badgermole erupted from the hole in was apparently digging. Ming let out a weird noise that the badgermole returned. Ming ran behind Zuko and Kuai, in fear. Kuai stood, slowly walking towards the badgermole. It tried to hit her with its paw, which she dodged with a backwards 90 degree bend. She stood again, and started singing a song.

Kuai: "When the sky crumbles and darkness falls, I'll never forget the light and how it was so small."

Zuko: What are you doing?

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