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The room is filled with the smoke of cigarette coming out of her mouth while she stare at the photo of the person in her hand. Her eyes are red and tears are dropping from her eyes, she again put the citrate in her mouth and take a puff from it.

"You did a very bad thing"

Her dark eyes stared at the photo with a dark expression. She crumble the photo in her plams while gritting her teeth and throw it on the Dustbin. She get up from her chair and take a matchstick from the cupboard in her desk and said while staring at the dustbin.

"You will also feel the pain that she felt, I'll destroy your life very badly. You don't know who you mess up with.... This queen will show you what is the game of power"

She light up the matchstick and trow it inside the steel Dustbin making the pic burn because of the fire. She pick up the glass of her wine and drink it while controlling her tears. She is not going to let them fall until she destroy the person who is reason behind her evey pain.

She is not going to let her emotions come out until she make that person beg in front of her. He snatch her everything, he snatch her only family and love from her.... She will destroy that person.

The sounds of her heels clicked the clean floor while she run to the office of the director. She know she is late and this time the CEO is going to kill her, she quickly open the door with a loud thud making the people look at her.

"I am sorry.. I am late"

She awkwardly smile at everyone, the CEO glare at her and control herself not to shout at her in front of everyone when his important client is sitting in front of him. The girl stand near the projector and said

"Nice to meet you everyone, I am Kim haeli and I'll explain you all about our new product"

Everyone just nod her head than she start explaining everything. She start telling everyone about the details of the product and the profit they will got if they will launch it making the people sitting there impressed.

"That's all... I hope you all will like the product, it is very beneficial for the company"

Haeli look at her CEO who is looking at the client with a nervous face. She know this project is very important for them and if anything bad happened than the CEO will throw her out of the company.

The client stand on his place making everyone stand, he smile at haeli and said

"I really like the way you explain everything, I am ready to do this project with your company and launch this beauty product together"

A wide smile appeared on haeli's face after hearing his words. She look at her CEO and saw her showing thumbs up, she bow in front of the client than discussing about the further information related to the launch of the product.

Her revengeful obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now