Midoriya stared at the cat as a thought came to mind, "why would Aizawa have that as the collar description?"
"If you can follow those rules then we shouldn't have an issue.
Understood?" Aizawa declared."Yeah yeah" Midoriya sighed.
"Good, now you're free to hang around the house." Aizawa started to walk away.
"I haven't earned his sympathy yet and he has a problematic quirk. Time to play victim"
Midoriya thought to himself as he took a deep breath in."Is there anything you would like me to do for you?" He asked.
"Do for me? I just said you're free to hang around...
Which means you're free to take a break or whatever in the house as long as it follows my rules" aizawa asked a bit confused."Sensei would usually force me to do some kind of training or serving to him.
What exactly is taking a break?" Midoriya asked as he pretended to be clueless.Guilt struck aizawa as he stared at Midoriya's dull emerald eyes. He turned around properly to face Midoriya to make one thing clear, "you aren't a servant or a slave in my home. I'm not expecting you to act as such either. This is your home too." He said sternly.
Midoriya scratched the back of his head as he looked at the ground, breaking eye contact with Aizawa. "Alright I got his sympathy. That was easier than expected. Good.
This villain outfit is getting hot, I needa change" Midoriya thought to himself.Midoriya walked away to his room and found a closet full of clothes.
He changed into a plain black t-shirt and some jeans. He wasn't trying to look nice or presentable, but he also wasn't trying to look sloppy. It was plain and simple.Midoriya's stomach rumbled, he was hungry. He sighed as he reached into his vault and pulled out a snack.
As he was eating, there was a sudden knock on his door.
"Come in" Midoriya said with a full mouth.Aizawa walked in, "I'm about to order food, what do you-" he paused as he noticed Midoriya's scarred hands as he ate the snack bar. His eyes noticeably widened as he saw the spade mark as well. "So many scars... He's been through so much and he's only 14..." .
Midoriya dully stared at him as Aizawa snapped out of his thoughts, "where'd you get the snack bar?"
"It was in my pocket" he lied as he finished it off.
"Okay then...
Anyways, what would you want to eat?""Anything you're good with, I'm not a picky eater" Midoriya yawned as he stretched.
"...not that I want to bring it up, but that spade mark in your right hand.
It would kind of give you away to your class mates. Is there anyway you could hide the tattoo?" Aizawa asked."It's not a tattoo..."
"What is it then...?"
"A result of one of the experiments. It was pretty much the entire inspiration to my villain name."
"Okay, is there anyway you could hide it?"
"I could wear my black gloves, I could put a bandaid on it, or I could do what I planned to do.
Care.If they make the correlation it won't matter at all. They don't have evidence to prove it.
Doing either of the first options would result in annoying question.I'd rather the class know of who I was so I stop getting questions about all these stupid scars.
The scar on my eye isn't exactly unnoticeable and neither is this random tuft of white hair.

Wrong Move...
Fanfic"you heroes never learn, that's why I'll be killing you all. Starting with the one who made my life miserable. Endeavor" Midoriya never had the welcoming home life as all kids would want... He was sold to the market when he was 4... And from there h...