The class let out a quiet gasp as they looked at how bad Aizawa looked.
His hair was messy and unkempt, his eyes were blood shot red, he had large eye bags, and he looked over all worn down."Aizawa sensei are you okay...?"
Aizawa let out an apathetic sigh, "I'm fine, just upset"
"He lied about AFO being an issue...
He played all of us.
And he took bakugo and todoroki with him.
The commission is doing all they can to keep UA open but how much longer can they put up against the public?"He shook his head, "moving on.
It's exam week.
As long as this school remains open we're going to continue with schedule.Study and practice, the test will be physical and written.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are the written exam days.
Friday is the physical exam.
Here's what each of you need to improve and where you stand amongst your classmates."
Aizawa displayed everything he had spoken of.He zipped up his sleeping bag and went to sleep.
He was exhausted.
Pro hero dragon, aka hisashi Midoriya, was on shift surveying the damage izuku had done to the city of Tokyo last Friday.
All the damage done was immense and they were struggling to clean up and fix everything.
Hisashi wasn't doing well, mentally and physically.
It didn't help that he knew everything that happened was his fault."If I had just been a better person back then...
If I just treated my family the way they were supposed to be treated...
If I didn't sell izuku...None of this would've happened...
Izuku would've become an amazing hero with that strong quirk, he would've been happy.He wouldn't have been tortured...
All of this is because of me.
I'm sorry izuku, I'm sorry inko...
I will do what's right..."
He bit his lips as they quivered, tears streamed down his face as he struggled to wipe them away.His sidekick approached him, "maybe you should take a break.
You already did enough, let us handle the rest""N-no..
This is my fault ...
I need to atone"_________________________________________
"Who wants to go cause chaos around the city?" Midoriya shouted.
Most of the league was there.
"I'm in"
"Me too"
"Sounds like fun"
6 people total were going to cause chaos.
Compress."Alright where are we attacking?"
"Hm let's see.
I want to kill Miruko today and see usually patrols Tokyo.The only problem is that a good majority of the heroes and police are in Tokyo trying to recover anyone who managed to survive under the rubble.
It would be annoying and risky with everyone there.
But nonetheless would make eveeytht high stakes and interesting.What do you all say?
Willing to take the risk?" Midoriya asked.

Wrong Move...
Fanfiction"you heroes never learn, that's why I'll be killing you all. Starting with the one who made my life miserable. Endeavor" Midoriya never had the welcoming home life as all kids would want... He was sold to the market when he was 4... And from there h...