All Might

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Midoriya sat in class, his eyes suspiciously lurked around those who could be potential traitors.

Which meant his eyes glanced over at everyone.

Aizawa came walking in, "okay class.
Today I have a couple announcements and we can get on with class after that.

I'm introducing a new kind of training, nezu wanted me to start amping up on these kinds of things.
It's card, Hero spy mission.
Now the name may sound misleading to what this is really about.

There are 20 of you here.
1 out of you 20 will be playing hero.
The rest of you are "villains"

I am the villain boss.
I will have a file somewhere around this room, hidden.
It's up to this hero's job to find it and keep it hidden til the end of the week.

Here's the catch.

The rest of you are trying to figure out who this hero is amongst you all. I will alert you all as soon as I notice the missing file.

The person who can keep their identity secret by the end of the week is apart of the winner group. This group has a skip pass on the rest of this quarters assignments." The class gasped as Aizawa finished off his explanation.

However, some people in the class were still confused.

"Wait wait, hold on??
Huh??" Kaminari said in dismay.
Aizawa sighed, "class president, explain it in simpler terms for those who didn't understand."

Midoriya nodded his head as he got up and took stand.

One of you will be randomly selected.
Aizawa sensei will inform you at some random point in the day if you have been selected.

You're playing the role of secret hero.

Aizawa will have hidden a file of information somewhere in this room.
It is your job to steal the file and keep the file hidden until the end of the week.

Aizawa sensei will alert the class as soon as he notices the file is missing.
From there you will all begin investigating, trying to figure out who the spy is.

So the objective for the rest of you is to figure out who the spy is, and the objective for the spy is to keep their identity hidden until the end of the week.

Now for some details that should be brought up now instead of later:
The file that's going to be stolen has already been set in this room, it's labeled "IMPORTANT FILE"

It's not hard to miss so don't confuse it with anything else in this room.

Second, by Thursday. If the file is still missing.
Camera footage will be available.

A questioning moment will be held everyday after lunch. The last period of the day.

You're all allowed to investigate during your free time, examples
Free period.
Done with work early.


5th, as mr. Aizawa said, the people who are able to keep their hero identity a secret until the end of the week will be given a work pass for the whole quarter.

Understood?" Midoriya explained.

The class nodded their heads as Midoriya took his seat.

"Okay then.
Time to randomly select who the hero will be" Aizawa stuck his hand into a hat with names in it and pulled out a piece of paper.

He read it and stuffed it in his pocket.

"Okay then.
It begins.

Now to get on with the second announcement.

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