4: Old Friends

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Its Stiles here and I am with Scott in his house "hay Scott, do you really think there going to come back" I asked him for like the thousands time, he sighed "I don't know, Jackson said they would be here" that still confused me, why were Jackson Whitmore And Derek hale were together? They weren't friends, oh well it's not like there going to answer "has anyone gotten back to you" I asked Scott was just checking his phone "Malia, pete-" I cut him off and said "stop listing people that are all ready here, has no one who left said there coming back, except Lydia?" Scott just looked at me "do you think that anyone will come? Stiles I am the only person who moved back here after we got part of those hunter's to stop hunting us. You didn't even come back for gods sake!" Scott shouted, his eyes glowing red for a second then they stopped "sorry but it's the truth, we also lost touch with Derek! But I guess that isn't a surprise, How did you get Derek, Isaac, Ethan and Jackson's number again" Scott asked, I almost started to panic but I didn't "I work with the F.B.I scott, how do you think" I laughed, I also kept my heart rate steady, I actually lied to Scott! I don't actually working with the F.B.I, I'm working with something better, no something greater.

A couple hours later Scott's phone blew up with texts, scott was smiling welst reading what they said. "yes" Scott shouted "what scott, what were those texts" I blurted out Scott looked up and released he didn't tell me "Isaac, Ethan, and so meny others said that there coming back next month or there already on there way!" he blurted out, then something come to mind "did you actually give them your house address, you don't live in the same place as you did when you were a teenager" I asked, Scott gave me a look that said 'do you really think Im an idiot' "of course I did" he mumbled, checking his phone.

We sat in silence for a minute "so how's it going with you and Malia" Scott asked, scott uesd to date her but after convincing part of the hunter's to stop hunting them they broke up, it was a mutual break up and now me and Malia are dating, again "we are doing good, Peter is living with us though" I laughed nervously, Peter is her dad, and a phyco werewolf if I did anything 'wrong' he would kill me. Why do all of the hales terrify me? I forgot to mention that its Derek's uncle and cousin didn't I? Oh well you know now."Peter's living with you, why?" Scott asked, though he should have the answer "because he wants to keep an I on me and Malia. And so he can spend time with Malia they're actually getting along" I mumbled. "have you been in touch with Lydia since you guys broke up" Scott asked, like him and Malia it was a mutual break up "yes but we don't talk much because she is busy being a scientist and I'm busy being a F.B.I agent" I answered, still keeping my heart beat steady.

Hours later I got sick of waiting "sorry Scott but I got to go, call me if they com-" there was a nock on the door Scott smiled "its open" I gave Scott a death stare "what the hell Scott that could be kat-" I whispered. I was shocked at who was walking through the door.

Its Roy here but I will be called Jackson Whitmore welst me and Derek are here. Derek was on edge the hole ride here but I can't blame him for that, Kate Argent is alive and she did kill his family, he's probably worried about if she found out about his new family, I'm worried to about Thea but she is a bad ass vigilante so I didn't have as much as Derek had to worry. I didn't try to talk to him much on the ride to Beacon Hills that would of just made him irritated so I left him alone mostly, but I'm worried that it wasn't the right choice.

We were at Derek's loft, he was busy getting changed but I was just putting on gloves to cover my robot arm, I was already wearing a jacket "Derek you seem irritated in a different way then when we were driving here, what's changed?" something has changed with Derek since we got to Beacon Hills "I don't know, this place just gives me a bad vibe" Derek mumbled I mean alot of bad has happened here but not as much as star city "it still fits" I chuckled looking at Derek wearing a one of his meny gray shirts and leather jackets, it was like I was looking at his past self, well except for one detail: he had glasses on "ya I guess it dose, should we go now" Derek said, I just laughed "what R.J" Derek said, abit irritated "you don't have your contacts on D.C" I laughed, he then went put them on.

Derek hale and Jackson Whitmore or Clark kent and roy harper Where stories live. Discover now